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The episode starts with natasha standing in front of makwana house hesitating to ring the bell.
"Hey somnath! Where did u get me stuck. if dama's health is good I would have never returned to this house again. Will mots allow me into the house after seeing pandya store papers. I hope atleast dhawal stands by me today."thinking this natasha rang the door bell.
Dhawal who is coming to the dining table walked to the door to check who it was.
Opening the door he found his wife standing there with suitcase in her hand. But poor him he is imagining his wife everywhere since she left the house. So thinking her to be his imagination he closed the door.
"Maybe dhawal also don't want me to come back"thinking this natasha became sad and turned to go back
Amresh seeing dhawal coming back enquired about the bell ring. That's when our baby makwana realised that his wife really came back and rushed back to the door. Seeing him rushing hurriedly the entire makwana family following him into the hall area.
Dhawal opened the door and found his wife turning to go back he immediately went and held her hand which made him realise its not his imagination.
"You're back!" Exclaimed dhawal
He is literally on cloudnine seeing his wife back.
Whereas amresh, bhaven and amba are shocked to see natasha back.
"Why are u standing here? Come inside."welcomed dhawal.
As natasha is about to step inside
there echoed amba's voice
"Stop there itself. Why the hell did u come back after leaving the house?"
"We don't have any work with u. I got u married to my son only for pandya store and now that store is under ur brother chiku's name And he is agreeing to give the store to us. Now u can go back to ur house.pranali book a cab for her" amba chided.
Natasha felt helpless

Hi everyone. This is my first work as a writer.  Pls ignore grammatical errors
I am a huge fan of nawal. And I am thinking to write one shots on nawal too. U can tell me the track or episode u want me write down in the comments
Thank u all
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