Chapter 1

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      It was a calm and quiet morning. I was just finishing up my book and I peered put the window of the Sunny. "Hmm.. I wonder what fun and exciting things we'll do today." I start to chuckle to myself.

I push my back my hair against my ear, I sit up to put back the lovely book I have just finished back on it's shelf. I return to my desk and write down the book I have read onto my chart of "finished books." (Have a hc she keeps track of the books she finishes)

I go down to my room and look through the small window, I see Nami asleep, but her bed's a mess. Poor girl. She always has a hard time falling asleep, but alas, I can't blame her. I turn around to peer into the boys' room.

I see them all sleeping in their own ways on top of bunk beds'. Of course, the first person I look to is Luffy, my beloved friend and captain. As I smile, I start to see Franky, who's just now starting to get up. He slowly rises out of bed, and looks around for his daily cola. Before he could finish getting them, I back away.

I walk to my usual spot on the mast. I sit down quietly and lean my head against the swaying ship. I close my eyes to listen carefully to all the sounds I hear; the calm seas drifting us to out to our next destination. The yawns and groans of my crew slowly getting up. The wind brushing itself against my hair. The seagulls gawking in the distance passing by the Sunny. The doors of my crew-mates rooms' being opened by them. I slowly lift up my eyes as I see the slow rising sun.

"Mornin', Robin-chwan!" I turn my head over to the cook of the crew, Sanji. "Good morning, cook. How was your sleep?" He swiftly flawns his arms up to his chest and starts to dance around with pure joy. "It's was amazing! I didn't want to wake up from my beautiful dream. It was amaz— ..." As usual, he excitedly describes his dreams to me. While I listen quietly, I catch at the corner of my eye my captain claiming his usual spot.

On the other side I see Nami re-checking her three posts on her wrist. "Seems we're still heading in the right direction. phew.." As she reassured herself, she comes up near me and Sanji and politely asks for some breakfast.

"BREAKFAST!!!!" My captain shouts at the top of his lungs. "Sanji, hurry! I'm hungry! Get me some meat!" He demands out of our cook who becomes quickly annoyed by him. "Alight, alright! I heard you the first time. Now shut up and go to the kitchen and wait there. I'll whiff up something for you."

On dot, the rest, including me gets up and make our way to the kitchen. We all sit in our usual spots and silently wait for Sanji to finish the meal preparations. Luffy waits anxiously, practically drooling at the mouth, waiting to dig his teeth into the preparing food.

I bring out another book from the ship's self-library. As I patiently wait for my meal, I decide to start another book. The crew's' inconsistent chatter becomes muffled. I fall into the world of the book's imagery; I start to imagine the words through my mind. As if I'm in the book itself. A few minutes later, I return back to reality, the words "here's your breakfast, my dear Robin~."

I set down my book and thank the dear chef for cooking such a lovely meal. I began to grab my fork and start by cutting up my sausages. Eggs, sausages, two pieces of toast, and a glass of coffee to fit my routine. It may not sound like much, but the way we eat our meals it's 3x bigger than your average food.

After we got done eating our food's and put our plates and glasses aside for Sanji to clean, we all went to our "spots" of the boat. Usopp and Franky go straight to the engineering department. Chopper goes back tand his doctor's office. Nami goes back to our room to draw out more of her "world-map," which I'll admit, I admire her dedication. Brook goes wonders around the ship in hopes to help some of us out. I go back into the library to read my book, as I sit down I noticed Zoro is training. Like usual, I can't tell if he's overexerting himself or not.

I don't usually know what Luffy's up to. He mainly hangs around Brook or Usopp, but since Usopp's busy with Franky he's most likely going to be left alone. Suddenly I hear the door slam open. My question has been answered; it was Luffy. Shockingly he seems interested in looking into a book. "How may I help you, Captain?"

"Comic books." He replies simply. I'm not entirely surprised, his reading comprehension isn't the best out of all. He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but definitely a peculiar one. "They're over there near the right of you. Feel free to choose as many as you like. Remember, to return them after you're done. You have a habit of just leaving them and going somewhere when you're uninterested anymore. Leaving me to pick them up. Please be more responsible with them, okay, Captain?"

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