Chapter 4 - final

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After we all got done with our foods, Luffy wanted us to watch the stars with him. "Oh right, there was going a meteor shower tonight! I completely forgot to say anything." Nami stated. "There was?? I was only wanting to watch the straws with everyone." Luffy shouted back.

     We all gathered around where Luffy was standing. We all sat down in our places, "look, I already see one!" Chopper shouted to all of us, specifically Usopp and me though. Then we all owed and ooed in delight a few seconds later. I could sense the ease and excitement from the rest of the crew as we silently watched the beautiful nightsky.

     "Aren't they a sight? Look how amazing they are." Brook softly said to us. "Yeah. They're really breathtaking." Usopp replied just as softly. "Shhh we can give our feedbacks after the show's over." Nami softly but sternly scolded them. "Fufufu.." I chuckle. Which caused a chain reaction to luffy snickering quietly to himself.

     After the beautiful scene that we witnessed, we all decided to head back to the rooms' and sleep for the night. Today wasn't as eventful as I was expecting it to be, but it certainly did end on a marvelous note. A positive result for a chill day. I wonder what tomorrow will be like.


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