Chapter Three: Nightmarish

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"See ya, loves," Splat calls as she heads out the door behind Caspar and Hobbes.
Mommy, Julian, and I wave before returning to cleaning.

Soon the floor is mopped, the counters wiped, and all ice cream is in the walk in freezer.

"Hey, Spark. Put this mint chocolate away!"

Ok. Almost all the ice cream.
Julian shoves the last of his mini cone into his mouth before replying, "Sure" and spraying me with spit, crumbs, and mint ice cream.

I cough, wiping my face off, and Julian shrugs like what can you do?

I roll my eyes at him before grabbing the last tub of ice cream and heading behind the counter.

Julian sneaks up behind and gives me jumper cables. I squeal and duck away, my heart pounding. I force the fear away and laugh. I know Julian is just a guy, and guys forget, but I can't trust guys with anything, especially not me.

"Quit fooling around," Mommy calls, but we can hear the smile in her voice.

Before long, it's 11 pm, the end of our shift. Since it's just Mommy, Julian, and I, the shop has been quiet except for the sounds of cleaning, the occasional comment, and the radio playing oldies.

"Alright, you two. Go home. I'll lock up." Mommy shoos us out.
As we get in the car, she calls, "And be good!"

Julian laughs and we wave before driving away.

Julian plays some Papa Roach and I lean back, closing my eyes.

"You tired, kid?"

I nod, an odd movement in the position I'm in.

"Well, do you want me to play a lullaby?" Julian is always teasing me for being a baby.

I stick my tongue out in response.
I hear a Julian chuckle and after a while, all is dark, and I dream.

Once again, I'm in the dark men's locker room at the public pool. The light is off and he is standing in front of me.

He's close, too close for comfort.
I try to step away, but he corners me, placing his hands on either side of my face.

I turn my head away as he leans in to kiss me, but he catches my chin and forces me to stay still.

I'm trapped. My whole body is shaking and I'm hyperventilating. I squeeze my eyes shut and wish to be somewhere, anywhere, but here.

There is a slam and the light flicks on as someone enters the locker room.
My attacker's face is now visible and I can see his blond hair and brown eyes and his pointy nose and I feel myself memorizing his features.

"Hey!" It's the newcomer. "Hey! What's going on in here?"
The owner of the voice rounds the corner and I recognize him.

I duck my head, embarrassed that I'm weak enough to be caught here, in this scene.

My attacker begins to explain. "She followed me in here..."

The second man cuts him off.
"No she didn't." He pauses, thinking. "Here's an idea. I won't tell if you give me a turn with your pretty friend here."

I shudder at the thought of these men taking turns with me.

My attacker agrees, and the second man flips the lightswitch and returns. They both look at me before stepping closer.

I can't help thinking how stupid I am, to let these hardly-men be in control.
I clench every muscle I have; terror courses through my veins.

I finally let myself scream. "Fire!" I yell the word every girl is taught from a young age. I scream it, and as it leaves my mouth, I feel as though a part if me is gone with it.

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