Chapter 7: Memories

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A smaller version of Dalton is seen in a large castle in Unova with someone who's pretty much an older version of him as he has blue hair and black highlights while Dalton is the opposite of him. He stands at 6'1 and has the same deep blue eyes as Dalton, but there's and air about him that just

"Big bro why are we here at uncle Ghetsis's castle again?" A more innocent Dalton had asked curiously.

"Trust in your brother Dalton, from here on out I'll be teaching you how to be like dad." He told him as h tilted his head.

"To be like dad? Why would I want to be like him?"

"In this world Dalton you can't show weakness or else others will take advantage of you, so in return you must be cruel and cold hearted and your big brother Nero will teach you all about it. How to use others, how to read other peoples emotions, how to fight, how to bargain and most importantly...not to be weak."

He told him as both of them had entered the castle as Dalton had looked back to see his older sister watching them walk off as she released a sigh and turned away with her green hair swaying in the breeze.

*End Flashback*

After the whole incident Dalton is seen punching the ever loving shit out of a tree as it's pretty much destroyed as he's been punching it for about 30 minutes until he finally stopped. His knuckles is completely bloodied and blood is running down his arm going into the dirt.

"I hate hiding this personality of mines I wish I could be just who I am and nobody would fuckin judge me, I swear I'll make that blonde hair bitch pay. Should I suffocate her in her sleep? Should I drown her using gas? So many options to choose from." He said In a crazed psychotic tone.

His Pokémon had been watching him obviously real worried about their trainer, as Riolu has never seen him like this as Wimpod,Deino,Charcadet and Venipede were also worried about him. It was very unlike him, but then again they've only been with him for a little over 2 weeks.

"Satanael are you here? I could hear you punching the crap out of a tree and cursing." Josiah had asked him as he made his way over toward him.

"The hell do you want now?" He asked in an angry tone.

"Whoa whoa there's no need to get all hostile on me I was just trying to check up on you." 

"Well don't, you've seen how I was back then with that Malerie bitch. It's taking every part of me from not ripping off her fucking head."

"I will admit...I was scared but after Maukana had explained...SOME of as to why your like this then I don't really blame you." Josiah said as Dalton turned and his glare gotten harsher.

"Maukana? WHAT DID THAT ALOLAN FUCKER TOLD YOU?" He shouted in anger.

"L-look he didn't tell me much but all he did was told us is that he knew your brother Nero and that's it, he knows that it's not his business to tell but he gave of us some key clues for we can understand a bit more." 

Dalton just stared at him and growled and turned away as his Pokémon had reluctantly sat by him as he also heard more footsteps as both him and Josiah turned around to see Paul as well who had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Let me guess your here because Maukana said something?"

"Yes he did although he kept most of the information to himself since it's not his story to tell." He replied with his hands in his pockets.

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