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With great power, comes great responsibility, and with that, there must also come accountability. With that power and with that responsibility, you can help someone, and because you are being accountable for your actions, you end up helping everyone.

If you can do the things for people, then you have a moral obligation to those things. Not Choice: Responsibility. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then bad things happen...they happen because of you.

For me, Peter Parker and Spider-Man really aren't two separate people, they're ultimately one single person. Peter Parker is still Spider-Man, just with the mask off. Spider-Man is still Peter Parker, just with the mask off. Especially when worlds collide, nothing is ever the same. But I learned that when these "two" people work together, they become even greater, together.

Sometimes when you feel like the whole world is counting on you. You can't think about saving the whole world, you have to think about saving one person.

You won't know when you're ready. It's a leap of faith. That's all it is. A leap of faith.

Some see self doubt as an invitation to be greater. And I saw my opportunity and proved it. You can as well. This is your opportunity to prove that. But don't do it like me. Do it like you. Be yourself.

Go. Be great.


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