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Voluntary shift:

A shift that occurs due to being consciously induced.

Involuntary shift:

A shift that occurs without will or conscious control.

Mental shift (MS or m-shift):

A change in mindset, thinking more like the theriotype.

Phantom shift (Ph-shift):

Feeling supernumerary phantom limbs or a full phantom body of the theriotype.

Sensory shift (SE or Se-Shift):

One's senses temporarily become more like that of the theriotype.

Perception shift (PE-shift):

Perceiving things in a way which is more associated with the theriotype.

Emotional shift:

Shifting occurs during a certain emotional state, e.g. stress or anger; usually with another type of shift.

Dream shift (DS or d-shift):

Becoming an animal within a dream, either partially or entirely.

Cameo shift (C or c-shift):

Feeling like an animal that is not a known theriotype.

Aura shift (A):

The shape or form of an auric field or life energy field changes to that of the theriotype.

Astral shift (As):

The astral body separates from the physical body, travels to the astral plane, and shifts to the form of a nonhuman animal.

Berserker shift:

Strong emotions push away the human side, including empathy and logical decision-making; can be voluntary and involuntary

Bilocation shift (Bi):

Therian appears in two locations simultaneously, with the double appearing in the form of the theriotype in the physical plane.

Shadow shift (SW)/Ghost shift:

Therian sees the animal form around themself as a transparent apparition, or when the appearance seems to change.

Spiritual shift (S or S-shift):

The spirit takes on the form or shape of the theriotype, while the physical body remains unchanged.

Physical shift:

Human body transforms into the physical shape of another creature; agreed to be impossible.

Envisage/Self-image shift:

Therian's mental image/awareness of themselves changes to closer reflect that of their kintype; similar to a phantom shift, but lacks actual phantom sensation.

How to stop (severe) shifts:

1. Calm yourself down.

Find distractions! This can be anything. Some examples are watching a video/movie, talk to someone, play with a fidget toy, the 5 senses method (5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste), repeating a few words to yourself, etc.

2.) Breathing exercises.

Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 6/8 counts, exhale for 4 counts, repeat. You can also use your heartbeats to help you count if you can hear them. This will help calm you down, too.

3.) Ground yourself.

Find an object that you know (eg. a bracelet, necklace, fidget toy, favourite stuffy, etc) and repeat something like "I'm OK" or "I'm grounded" until you feel grounded.

4.) Fidget toys.

If you think you might have a shift when you're out somewhere, take a fidget toy to help! This can include stim toys, chewy necklaces, fidget cubes, etc.

5.) Try not to focus on the shift.

Focusing on the shift will just make it worse, it'll give it more energy for the shift to keep going on longer.

How to start shifts:

Just a warning: Shifting isn't always fun! It takes practice to be able to remain in control of a shift the entire time, and to make sure the shift isn't getting out of control. Sometimes shifts can get annoying, they can get you in trouble, and they can sometimes even become dangerous. Also, some therians can't shift, and they've never been able to shift. If you can't shift, it's ok, there's nothing wrong with you.

You're still valid, and you're still a therian, you just don't get shifts. Some causes for not being able to shift include stress, mental troubles/being tired, new situations, or you just haven't gotten used to it (or you're focusing too hard on it). It won't come to you overnight, it takes practice.

1.) Find triggers.

There are many possible triggers: Movies, music, or documentaries about your theriotypes, getting into theriotype environment/food/smell, things that remind you of your theriotype like pictures/videos, and hanging out with other therians. You might all trigger each other into a shift! Just be considerate with that, though. Triggers can be anything, and the best way to find them is to try them out.

I have no idea what the next chapter will be but, it will be something! The word count is 666.

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