Chapter Five: Ancel

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Chapter Five: Ancel

I woke up the next morning without having had any crazy dreams.

I was almost disappointed. But well.

I got up groggily and trudged to the bathroom, where I found a toothbrush in its unopened packaging with a tube of toothpaste. I was slightly horrified. Er, not at the prospect of brushing my teeth, but the fact that someone could have broken into my room without my knowing.

Tentatively, I opened the toothbrush and brushed my teeth. My hair looked like a rat’s nest in the mirror, and with the toothpaste all over my mouth I looked like a rabid animal. I spat out the foam, rinsed my mouth, and fixed my hair.


Haha, no, not really, but better.

I left the bathroom and made my bed quickly.

I didn’t know I wouldn’t be seeing it again.

Slipping my shoes on (a well-worn pair of chucks), I left my room and down the hall of my deserted dormitory.

I wanted to explore here some more, but my stomach had other plans. I got to the entrance of my dormitory and Atlas was waiting for me with his arms crossed, leaning against a wall.

“She awakens,” he muttered to himself. I stopped myself before I walked closer.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

He stood straight and uncrossed his arms. “I’m here to escort you to breakfast.”

I blinked at him. “You’re the one who broke into my room to put the toothbrush and toothpaste there?”

He grabbed my arm and ushered me out the door. “I’m your Guardian. What do you think? Now come on, I’m hungry, and the dining hall closes in five minutes.”

That alone was enough to send me on a sprint. I pulled away from him, grabbed his wrist, and ran for it.

“To the left!” he shouted above the wind. We turned and ran through some double doors and I was hit with a wall of delicious smells.

I slowed to a walk.

This way,” Atlas said, and he led me to a nearly empty dining hall.

The room was huge. There were five tables going up and down the length of the hall, and there were buffet tables on either side. I could smell the eggs and sausage and fruits and…you name it. It was there.

I grabbed a plate and worked my way down the buffet, with Atlas behind me. I filled my plate like I hadn’t eaten in ages (and from lunch yesterday to this morning, it was an eternity). The people behind the buffet tables looked at me, and then at Atlas, and they laughed.

“First day?” one asked.

Atlas nodded as he put some fruits on his plate. We walked to the nearest table and he sat down next to me.

“Why are there five tables? One per dorm?” I asked, mid-bite. He nodded.

“Except there are so many guardians that we just end up infiltrating all the other tables. You know, when we’re actually on time for breakfast.”

I gave him a glare, but continued stuffing my face with food.

“Any dreams last night?” he asked. I shook my head.

“But…I have been…thinking about something,” I said, and I swallowed. “You said something about a word. ‘Jennabel, say your word,’ you said. And Javi has a word, apparently, even though he’s a non-Rogue.”

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