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July 13, 1954

It was just another day in Memphis for the Presley's at their apartment in Lauderdale Courts, unwinding from another bustling day of working hard to pay bills and put food on the table, more so for Elvis' twin babies who he was raising not only by himself but with the help of his parents and grandmother too. Times were tough but Elvis could always count on his family and vice versa, he had a job too to chip in on the never ending bills and other necessities that required their money. He may only be nineteen but he was always working hard since it's one of the things he's known growing up dirt poor. Work hard for the things you want and that's exactly what he planned to do

"Here darling." Elvis cooed to the five month old, Tilly settling with her wails as she suckled contently from the warm bottle while getting comfortable in her dad's hold

Gladys walked into the kitchen with Jack in her arms, retrieving a bottle for her grandson. "I guess he knew that his sister was hungry too."

"Well they are twins." Elvis mused

Vernon had already left for the day to get to work. He had a job at a dairy farm that was thirty minutes out of town and he usually didn't get back until the evening

"I have to get ready for work." Gladys handed off her granddaughter to Elvis before going to her room to change out of her nightgown

"Mama, Dodger is going to watch the kids today." He called out

"Ok! Do you have to work late tonight?" She answered him from where she was in her room

"I don't know, I'll give you a call if I am." Elvis stood up and took the twins to his room after they ate where he laid them down in their cribs before he himself got ready for work, preening his slick short hair and fixing the collar of his tan Crown Electric shirt and tightening the belt of his black waistline pants

Tilly made a small noise in her sleep which got her dad's attention. He remembered the day that he found out about the twins and how their mother had a far different reaction than he did

Dixie was waiting outside by Elvis' car for him to get off of work on this rather chilly August night, worry evident in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip while deep in thought

Her heart raced when she saw Elvis walking towards her, whistling a tune to himself. He faltered at meeting her gaze when he was only but a few feet away from the vehicle. "Dixie? What are you doing here? Our date isn't until tomorrow."

"Elvis, there's something I must tell you. It's important." She scrunched up her shoulders to keep warm in the chill of the night

"Of course. What is it?" He offered her his Crown Electric jacket which she kindly refused

"I- I'm expecting." She nervously awaited his reaction

"'re....Dixie, that's wonderful!" He laughed and moved closer to hug his girlfriend though his excitement faded a bit at noticing she was rather quiet

"Hey, what's wrong? Aren't you excited?"

"Are you serious? We're still so young, I'm not ready to be a mother!"

"Then what are we going to do?"

"I don't know about you but I'm going to give our child up for adoption."

"Please don't do that, I'll take care of the baby." Elvis took a hold of her dainty hands

"Are you sure?" She raised a curious eyebrow at him

"Yes. I don't know how I'll be able to afford to take care of my son or daughter but I'll figure it out. I won't abandon them."

"You're certainly not making this easy, Elvis."

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