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"Hi Elvis." Dixie was avoiding any and all eye contact, Daisy caught in the middle of this awkward interaction. She looked up at the man she had just kissed and lightly squeezed his hand. "Give me a call." She said before walking away, leaving the former lovers to themselves

"What brings you here?" Elvis was the first to break the heavy tension as he picked up his belongings

"I was visiting a friend for a few days and now I'm heading home." She answered and moved past him to get on the train as the whistle blew to announce its departure, Elvis quickly hopping aboard after her

He followed her down the narrow train cart which she wasn't too happy about since she was trying to avoid her ex boyfriend by any means necessary. She sat down in an empty seat inside one of the passenger carts with Elvis lingering in the doorway, staring at her expectantly

"What?" She asked, somewhat irritated by his presence

"No interest in the kids I see." Elvis sighed and shook his head

"It seems you forgot that I never wanted them." She turned her attention to the window to indicate that she was done speaking to him

"I show them pictures of you, tell them who you are."

She looked back at him in utter confusion. "Why?"

"They deserve to know who their mother is." Was all he said

Dixie watched Elvis go down to the end of the train cart, leaving the young woman to herself. Was she a bad mother? Perhaps. But her children didn't deserve to know her

When Elvis arrived back in Memphis, he stopped at a store to pick up some toys for his kids birthday. In previous years he could barely afford to get anything for the twins special day, sometimes only a cake. But this year he was going all out with presents since he was now making money from being a performer. After buying a plethora of toys, he used a pay phone to get in touch with his mother to arrange surprising the kids for their sixth birthday. He stayed at a hotel for the night since he got in late anyway and was drained of energy to go anywhere or do anything else right now

He got up bright and early at six in the morning, eager for his son and daughters big day. Elvis went to Graceland where his parents were putting together a party for their grandkids, making sure to keep their son's arrival a secret by distracting the twins as best they could

Jack and Tilly were playing a game of tag in the backyard with Junior Smith, Vester and Patsy. Tilly was running after Junior to tag him but he was faster than a rabbit, zigging and zagging. She stopped chasing him to catch her breath for a minute. She snapped her attention to the carport area at hearing the sound of dress shoes clicking against the smooth pavement only to see it was Vernon

"Come on, Til! You're still it!" Patsy called out for her attention

They played for a little while longer before heading inside to get a snack from the kitchen, Gladys smiling at her grandkids from where she was sitting at the small table in the back of the kitchen, cutting up some bananas to make banana pudding. "Why don't you two take a look in the living room. There's a present for you in there." She said

The twins wasted no time in going to the living room to see what their present could be but were left confused when nothing was there

"Lost something?"

They turned and saw their uniformed father standing in the foyer area, smiling at his stunned kids

"You're home!!!" Tilly smiled

"I'm home for good." Elvis smiled back at her

The kids ran towards him and Elvis scooped them up in his arms, laughing. It felt good to be home. "I got some presents for you two. Go ahead and open them, they're on the table." He said as he carefully placed them down, watching his son and daughter go to the dining room table and eagerly opening their mountain of gifts

Rags or Riches- Elvis Presley Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now