Chapter 10: Daemonlord

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Somewhere in the Sivestian Empire, Octubres 18, 825

Deep within the Great Sivestian Alps, two dwarves diligently mine for magic crystals in the rugged mountains. The echo of pickaxes against hard rocks fills the air when, unexpectedly, a tall dwarf inadvertently creates a hole leading to another space. Curiosity gets the better of him as he peers into the newfound opening.

"Huh? What are those...?" He mutters to himself, captivated by the sight within.

As he gazes into the hole, he discovers a trove of peculiar yet radiant crystals.

"W- we hit a jackpot, Harmein!" He exclaims, calling out to his companion. Harmein swiftly joins him, eagerly peering into the large hole.

"O- ohoho! We did hit a jackpot! Quickly, break into it, Kalmein!" Harmein urges his fellow dwarf who made the remarkable discovery. The promise of extraordinary findings unfolds in the heart of the Sivestian mountains.

With determination, Harmein and Kalmein wield their tools, targeting the rocks' weak spots in a relentless effort to breach the concealed space.

"Argh! Break! Break! Break!" Their fervent calls echo as they take turns, striking with unwavering resolve.

After an arduous 18 minutes, the duo successfully breaks through, creating a sizable hole. Both dwarves, now panting heavily, survey their accomplishment, recognizing the value of their perseverance in unveiling the hidden treasures within.

Amidst the glistening expanse of colorful crystals, Harmein and Kalmein navigate the cavern, their tools in hand. Approaching a nearby crystal, they strike it with precision.


The crystal shatters into smaller shards, catching Harmein's attention. He examines the fragments closely, using a magnifying glass before carefully placing them into a leather pouch. Undeterred, they venture deeper into the cave, where the radiant glow of crystals slowly gives way to a shadowed abyss.




Continuing their exploration, they stumble upon an unexpected discovery-an imposing statue of a fallen angel. Next to the statue lies a dark red crystal, emitting an ominous aura and adding an eerie touch to the cave's mysterious ambiance.

A sudden, mysterious force takes hold of Harmein, compelling him to approach the dark red crystal lying next to the fallen angel statue. Unaffected by Kalmein's calls, Harmein stoops down to pick up the ominous crystal, his actions seemingly guided by an unseen influence.

"Hey, hey, Harmein, what are you doing?" Kalmein urgently calls out to his friend, but there is no response. Harmein remains entranced by the strange force, his focus entirely on the enigmatic crystal in his hands.

Harmein, still under the influence of the mysterious force, walks purposefully toward the statue. He places the dark red crystal into a hole that seemingly fits its shape perfectly. As the crystal settles into place, a brilliant red glow emanates from the statue, intensifying to the point of blinding brightness.

Reacting quickly, Kalmein shields his eyes from the dazzling light. In an instant, an unseen force propels both dwarves backward. Kalmein collides with the cave wall, the impact sending shockwaves through his body.

"*Cough!* *Cough!* What the heck happened!?" Kalmein shouts, squinting as he opens his eyes.

As his vision clears, Kalmein is met with a harrowing sight. His friend Harmein lies on the ground, bleeding, while the green essence of his life force is being drained into the shattered remnants of the crystal. To Kalmein's shock, the crystal undergoes a profound transformation, coalescing into the form of a beautiful woman.

The woman possesses a voluptuous body, long horns protruding from her head, wings extending majestically, and a tail curling sinuously - the unmistakable traits of a demon. A shiver of recognition runs down Kalmein's spine as he stammers in fear, "D-Daemon Lord..... Aralia."

The legendary figure from the tales of his forefathers has materialized before him, casting an ominous presence over the cavern.

Kalmein, overwhelmed by fear, succumbs to unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Aralia, the Daemon Lord, pays no heed to the unconscious dwarf as she gracefully strides out of the cavern.

"Fufufu... It has been centuries since I was locked in that crystal," Aralia muses aloud. However, her tone swiftly transforms into one of deep-seated anger.

"If it wasn't for that Julius Caesar! That fucking human locked me up in that hellhole 12,000 years ago!!!" She screams in anger, her resentment echoing through the cavern. The memory of her imprisonment by the ancient human figure fuels her fury, and she emerges into the world with a burning desire for retribution.

Regaining her composure, Aralia grinned malevolently. "Time to let the world experience the terror again! Without the Akaylan Empire intervening my plans!!!" she declared, summoning countless daemons to serve her. Little does she know, an unknown force is destined to rise and intervene, yet to reveal itself.


The elven boy raced along the pedestrian road, urgently proclaiming, "Grave news! Grave news! The Daemon Lord has returned!!!" The gravity of his words echoed through the air, spreading an ominous tension among those who heard them.

As the news rapidly spread throughout the Eastern realms of Grishia, panic and concern gripped the hearts of leaders and citizens alike. The awakening of the Daemon Lord Aralia sent shockwaves across nations, prompting urgent meetings and strategies to address the looming threat.

In the vast expanse of the continent spanning 109 million square kilometers, every nation hastily armed itself upon learning of the dire news: over 50 million daemons were relentlessly marching, threatening to engulf the entire landmass. The sheer scale of the impending conflict sent shockwaves through the hearts of leaders, compelling them to fortify their borders and prepare for an unprecedented struggle for survival.

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~End of Chapter~
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((Short ah chapter))

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