Chapter 1: The Teasing Battle And The Serious Farewell.

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An explosion resonated throughout the entire Void, the explosion so powerful that it traveled out of the infinitely-sized Void and shook reality. In some universes, it could be a screech that lasts for centuries, while in others, it could be a beautiful lullaby lasting for minutes or seconds. Yet in other universes, it couldn't be heard by any creature living there due to being different than their hearing frequency.

The ones responsible for the explosion were the Heroes, Angels, and Demons that were having a mock battle against Avalog, the nigh-omnipotent being. His power was second only to the strongest form of Azaroth, the form before he gave up omnipotence. Now, Azaroth is a simple human with some powers he kept for simple convenience.

The battle has lasted for the last few thousands of what they think are eons, Avalog toying with those he considered close friends. The Primordial Spirit of Time, the sentient embodiment of the concept of time doesn't exist in the Void, thus making it impossible to actually measure the time that the battle has been going on for, meaning that they had to rely on their sense of time.

The party consisted of 7 Demons, 7 Angels, and 3 Heroes, 17 of the 18 strongest individuals in creation. They had a friendly rivalry with Avalog, often engaging in mock battles purely out of boredom or for fun. The playful fights could last forever since none of them would get tired, but they would stop once they grew uninterested in the fight.

As the bright light from the explosion dissipated the party could see Avalog's figure again, an attractive man who stood at 1.93 meters tall and looked like he barely turned 23 years old yesterday. He had red hair, grey eyes, his body was muscular and not clad in any armor, instead, he wore a black t-shirt and dark grey sweatpants. As the light disappeared completely his friends looked at his face and saw a smirk. He simply blocked the attack with his bare arm as if the attack wasn't strong enough to effortlessly erase all Primordial Spirits from existence.

"Why did you change clothes? And what type of outfit is this? If nobles or royalty saw you wearing this they would think that you're a world-class clown that arrived straight out of the circus to provide entertainment for them." Said Vyria, a beautiful Demoness with long blue hair that extended to her waist, her eyes a light emerald green and her beauty was only bested by the Primordial Spirit of Beauty. She was wearing her best armor, which was pitch black with red accents along the arms and chestplate. She wielded a longsword with a silver blade and a white handle.

Avalog simply chuckled and replied with a completely serious tone, "Don't mock me, I sent a clone to some random universe to check things out and he brought back this saying that this was casual clothes, so I wore it because why would I be serious here during this battle?"

Suddenly, Nivia, the Primordial Spirit of Beauty who could be considered the most beautiful in existence, appeared out of nowhere in the Void. She was wearing a black corset and a loose white dress underneath. Her golden hair flowed down her back to her hips, her eyes a deep violet and full of kindness and love. However, the look in her eyes changed as she saw Avalog, she rolled her eyes and crossed her slender arms. With a tired tone she said,

"You're still here? I thought that you would've gotten bored in the last couple of millennia and left the Void. Now where will I laze around with you here? And what are you wearing? Did they create a new clown costume and I wasn't aware?"

Avalog let out a slightly frustrated groan at being mocked by Nivia and rolled his eyes, throwing a powerful yet not at all serious [Chaotic Dark Flame Fireball] at Nivia that almost hit her leg as it appeared to arrive near her body before Avalog even threw the attack. The attack traveled so fast that it went back in time. The only thing that saved Nivia was that she could easily walk through the non-existent time and simply avoid the attack as it rushed towards her from the future. Nivia crossed her arms and forced fake tears to flow down her cheeks.

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