Chapter 13: The Encounter, The Scam, And The Smile.

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They continued their walk, the sounds of the flowing river long faded into nothingness. The forest was quiet except for the duo's footsteps and very distant sounds of what seemed to be multiple different animals or monsters, some hissing, some growling, and many others.

Sounds of footsteps accompanied by quiet growls approached Alex and Elara from their right, slowly getting louder. Elara quickly grabbed her spear and pointed the flashlight to the direction the footsteps were coming from, while Alex unsheathed his sword.

"Black-Furred Elanrs. 10 of them." Elara said calmly. Shortly after, the footsteps speed up and the growling got a lot louder. Moments later, the Elanrs jumped out from the forest straight at the two.

Elara pointed her spear to the biggest one, assuming it to be the leader, and just as Alex was preparing to swing his sword she yelled, "Testicular Torsion!" Suddenly, all the wolf-like monsters fell to the ground, dead. Alex stood there confused, his sword raised high above his head in preparation.

"Tes- Wha-? What the hell even happened?" Alex asked, looking at the dead monsters before them.

"Remember that meme you saw on the internet about a wizard casting 'Testicular Torsion'? Well, because I've read through your memories, I also saw it, and I decided to test it." Elara replied simply, as if what she said was completely normal and common wizardry.

"But you don't die from those. What else did you do?" Alex asked in confusion as he sheathed his sword.

"I wrapped around their other organs with Xen and twisted and squeezed these organs, as well as destroying every last bit of their brain and brain stem." Elara responded, proud of herself as she teleported each corpse into the 'Incomplete Complex World'.

"You... You're saying it like it's perfectly normal." Alex said, confused rather than disturbed.

"It was efficient. And they didn't even suffer, it happened almost instantly and I made sure to disable their pain receptors first so they didn't feel any pain, so don't worry." Elara replied, her smile innocent as ever as if waiting to be praised.

Alex sighed and picked up the flashlight that Elara left on the ground earlier, and said, "Let's just go." He started walking on ahead, the forest slowly getting less dense.

Elara giggled and caught up to Alex, "Come on, praise me a bit for a job well done." She said, nudging him with her elbow.

"Don't really feel like it. And what are you going to do with their corpses?" Alex asked, listening in to the sounds in the forest.

Elara grinned, put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest, proud of herself as she said, "Well, if you really need to know, we'll sell the corpses. And, if you don't mind stopping and getting dirty with more blood, then we can cut them up and take out their organs because that'll be more profitable." Alex shook his head quickly, rejecting the offer.

"I'm good, don't really feel like getting dirty again. Let's just sell them as they are." Alex responded.

"Come on, all you would have to do is cut open their bellies and take out the organs that are already cut out. We'll get a lot more money than if we hand them in like this." Elara replied, trying to persuade Alex.

"Why don't you do it yourself, then? As long as we get enough money for a room then I'll be happy." Alex replied.

"I'll do it, but I'll be the one in power of the money." Elara said, proclaiming herself in charge of money.

"Only if I can veto your decisions and make suggestions, for any reason." Alex replied.

"Are the reasons going to be reasonable or are you going to bully me?" Elara asked.

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