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"...'I sometimes wonder if it's all in my head, or if she's actually thought about killing me. She's demented enough to use the cruciatus curse on me when I upset her, so I fear it's only a matter of time before I'm on the wrong end of Avada Kedavra'."

Luca pulled the hood of her Slytherin robe up over her head, desperately wishing that she could disappear into the thick, fluffy snow that crunched beneath her feet. She wished she would've taken her notebook with her to the feast. How was she supposed to know that her mum was gonna show up out of the blue with no heads up whatsoever?

She should've known. The first semester had passed, and she's made no progress in fulfilling her task. But, better Bellatrix than the Dark Lord, right?

Luca didn't know who was scarier. It was hard for her to be intimidated by the Dark Lord since he has no nose, but he wasn't exactly someone that you'd want to be on the bad side of. Bellatrix, on the other hand, had a temper, and she would show no remorse when provoked.

"There are a few...curious things that you have written in this journal of yours." Bellatrix hummed as she skimmed the pages. The bitter winter wind nipped at Luca's nose and ears. The only light was that of the street lamps in Hogsmeade, and except for the rustle of the trees in the breeze, all was quiet. Bellatrix slammed the notebook shut and shoved it into her daughter's arms. Luca gulped and took a small step back out of fear as the woman towered over her. "A filthy little half-blood?" She raised a brow. "Filthy half-breeds are making you question where your true loyalties lie?"

Luca's mouth opened to respond, but she couldn't get the words to form. "Uh, I...I...Um..."

Bellatrix placed the tip of her wand underneath Luca's chin. She lifted it up so she'd make eye contact, a stern look on her face. "What did Nymphadora want with you?" she asked, her tone cold. "Are you leaking information to the Order of the Phoenix?"

"N-No! I'd never do that." Luca shook her head. "I-I mean, sh-she wanted me to, b-but I...I didn't tell her anything." She felt her chest get heavy under her mother's hard glare, the tears glistening in her eyes freezing in the cold wind. "Mum, I promise, I'm not leaking information to anyone."

"You know what happens to those who betray the Dark Lord, don't you, Lucatrix?" Bellatrix asked in a chilling whisper as she traced her wand across Luca's cheek as if it were a dagger. The teenager nodded and clenched her hands to try and stop their anxious shaking. "If I find out you're lying to me..." Bellatrix's voice was barely audible at this point, and she leaned down to whisper, "it won't be pretty."

Translation: If I'm lying, she'll torture me again.

If she's gonna kill me, I wish she'd go ahead and do it. Death is better than being put through the same shit every fucking day.

Luca tensed when Bellatrix grabbed her chin roughly between her thumb and forefinger. She tried to shut off her mind to keep her mum from peering into it, but she knew that it was too late.

I should've paid better attention during those Occlumency lessons.

"That you should've," Bellatrix said, her tone still harsh. "It is that weakness that'll allow Dumbledore and the Order to find out what you're up to."

"I...I'll do better, Mum," Luca promised. She did her best to mask the fear in her voice, but it was still evident in her eyes. She inhaled slowly through her nose, her body relaxing when Bellatrix let her go.

"I know you will." Bellatrix began walking again, continuing down the path towards the Shrieking Shack. Luca looked over her shoulder at their snow covered footsteps, longing for the warmth and comfort of her bed. "Keep up, Lucatrix!"

Luca folded her arms across her chest and forced her numb legs to move, a million conflicting thoughts in her head.

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a bit short, but quality over quantity 🤞


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