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word count: 830 words

YOU STOOD OUTSIDE MOMO'S DOOR waiting for her to open it as you rocked on the balls of your feet, next to you stood neito monomoa, your 'date'

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YOU STOOD OUTSIDE MOMO'S DOOR waiting for her to open it as you rocked on the balls of your feet, next to you stood neito monomoa, your 'date'. after your date with momo and jirou and the plan you had come up with, the three of you had gone back to kyoka's studio apartment where you had a few glasses of wine and began planning for today.

"i can feel your stress from over here you know" he said as he took your hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly

you looked at the blonde male and smiled before replying; "i'm sorry neito, i'm just nervous y'know?" you said and he shrugged

"don't get why, it's just a bunch of people from high school, you know them so you can relax, now let's get this thing over with" he said, squeezing your hand once more and ringing the doorbell again.

a few moments later, a seemingly excited jirou opened the door for you and neito. she welcomed you a little too enthusiastically and took the wine that monoma held in his hands and dragged you into the kitchen, leaving poor monoma to fend for himself for a few hours

"midoriya and ochako are here, and they've been looking for you" she said.

well shit

━━━ ★

you had been avoiding ochako and midoriya, successfully at that. it's not like you were trying to be rude or anything, you just weren't in the mood to make conversation with the man that broke your heart and with the girl that was the cause of that.

rightfully so as well, because you knew the moment ochako or midoriya ( or maybe the both of them together ) would get you alone and vulnerable, they would begin talking, non stop, and the only thing you would be able to do is smile pitifully and listen to ochako's backhanded comments and midoriya's mindless chatter.

"what're you doin', hidin' y/n?" a gruff voice had asked from next to you

you had looked over to your left side and you were met with the sight of one of your old high school friends, katsuki bakugou.

"i'm just trying to soak all this in katsuki, it's good to see everyone interact after so long, y'know?" you had lied to him, and he new it, so as a response he snorted and eyed you out of the corner of his eye

you saw this and gently shoved his shoulder; "dont look at me like that, it's true" you said, making the blonde snort again

"you're hidin' from deku and cheeks ain't ya?" he asked, an infamous smirk etching itself onto his features at the pout that made its way onto yours

instead of answering his question, you downed what was left in your wine glass and immediately refilled, giving katsuki the answer that he wanted.

"maybe i am, bu that's just cause 'm not in the mood to go through all that" you told him, and he hummed before standing up from where he leaned against the kitchen island and patted you on the shoulder twice.

with that katsuki had told you good-luck, and as you were about to ask what he meant, another familiar voice greeted you; "hey y/n"

━━━ ★

you and your ex-boyfriend stood side by side in momo's kitchen, you didnt dare to utter a word after he greeted you. he looked at you, you refused to meet his gaze. he tried touching you, you moved away. your rejection of him made him sigh disappointedly

"y/n, look at me" he said, practically begging you.

you did look at him, though it wasn't a soft and caring look that you used to give him, this one was vile, full of hate as you told him not to call you by your first name.

"look, i get that you don't like me, i understand, i wouldn't like me either after what i did to you, but please, talk to me" he said, grabbing your elbow and pulling you closer to him

you sighed and pulled your arm out of his grip, turning to look at him, a frown now etched onto your face.

"what do you want me to say izuku, that i forgive you for hurting me? that i know you didn't mean it? that i still love you and that my heart still yearns for yours? well i'm sorry izuku, but you're not getting that from me" you told him

the green haired man sighed as he flexed his hand, looking at you once more, lucky for him, you had met his gaze; "look, i can't say much right now, but please meet me for lunch tomorrow, let's talk then"

he walked away, leaving you no room for disagreement, and with that, izuku midoriya had left you with a freshly opened wound on your barely healed heart.

━━━ ★

we're gonna make him grovel so hard that his knees hurt guys ◡̈


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