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Elias weston


The world I live in is filled with them.

Each one of us have a different type of pheromone. The emotions we have controls them— when you're angry, they turn bitter, when you're upset, they turn sour and when you're happy, they turn sweet. Sounds crazy to me but that's just the world I live in. They say that pheromones speak louder than words do— your emotions are on display with your pheromones so each one of us wear scent blockers— to avoid trouble, to avoid having your scent effect someone into heat, but it doesn't blocks your scent completely, your pheromones can never be fully hidden. That's the world I live in.

There are Alphas, Betas, Omegas. Alphas are omegas having pheromones while betas lack them. I sometimes wondered why, but I could never find a explanation for it. Some concepts just exist, like this one. And the other one is---

Mates. Everyone has one-- a soulmate, your partner in crime and your forever happiness-- that's what mates are. They say that it's the most beautiful bond in this world and there's no other feeling that could ever compare to the one that you get when you're with your mate. They say that you will be attracted to your mate no matter how far you live in, like inseparable magnets that are meant to stick to eachother. Sounds pretty nice I guess, whether I like it or not, I have to accept the fact that this exists.

That's just the world I live in.



"Elias!" A voice bought me back to reality as I blinked in confusion before turning to look at the person who called out my name, it was my lab mate, nacob.

"Yeah?" I answered out, still in daze from daydreaming,

"You missed the titration point! You've been adding the titrant for so long, look at the colour!" He exclaimed, pointing out at the solution which had turned a very dark pink, indicating that I missed the titration point by a lot.

'Great. Now we have to do it all over again!' I sighed in my heart, promising myself that I'd never daydream again but I made the same promise last time too and before that too but I always failed.

I turned off the burette gently before removing the conical flask, I apologized to nacob before I went to the sink to throw out the contents so we could start the experiment all over again.

What a pain.


3rd POV

It was already 4pm when Elias came out of his lab, looking like he had gone through some unexplainable battles which he, ofcourse lost. He sighed, feeling exhausted, the lab coat in his hand feeling heavier than ever and all he wanted was to sleep and wake up after this season ended.

'Being a uni student is so hard', Elias thought, feeling pity for himself. It wasn't easy to wake up at 7 am for lab classes that start at 9 am just because you live in a house that is 1 hour away from your university but you don't want to move out cause moving out sucks. He wanted to stay with his mom for atleast another year before he moved out.

He was lost in his own thoughts before a shout interrupted him,

"El!" He turned around to see Adrian who was jogging upto him while he was still in his lab coat, his hair flying in different directions, looking like a mess-- just like him.

"Hey baby" Elias greeted casually, ruffling his already messy hair making Adrian shake his head to remove the hand that wanted to make him bald one day,

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