Chapter 38 - No Interruptions (Part 1)

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A/N: don't kill me

John's POV:

I'm genuinely so happy I'm in a relationship with Alexander. It's been a long time that we have been together and we haven't gotten into any fights. At least not any big ones. The only fights we get into is usually about small stuff but it never snowballs into a bigger fight, which I am very thankful for. I don't ever want that to happen.

And since we have been in this relationship a while, I need to start thinking about the one big thing that is definitely the next step in the right direction. The kiss.


Alex's POV:

"How are you holding up with the divorce?" John asked me. We were both walking from the college campus and to the coffee shop.

"I guess well enough. You should see Peter." I said, chuckling slightly but I kept my eyes laser focused on the pavement to avoid eye contact. Peter wasn't doing good at all compared to me. I kinda didn't want to talk about that right now, especially in front of my boyfriend.

"What's new with you?" I asked him, tearing my focus from the pavement and looking at John.

"Well, I have this amazing boyfriend." John said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you should meet him." John joked.

"I would love to." I said and John giggled, then stopped.

"You know you're my boyfriend, right?" He asked.

"Yes, I know I am, you idiot." I laughed and playfully hit him.

We joked all the way to the coffee shop. This made me feel better than I have this entire week.

"The lovebirds are here." Benny said as me and John walked into the coffee shop. Maria 'ooh'-ed behind the counter, causing me and John to blush.

"Shut up Benny." I said and walked into the backroom to go put on my apron.

The whole time I was doing my shift, I felt bored (other than the occasional jokes from John), barely anyone came into the coffee shop so we all decided to close early and go home.

Just as I was turning the 'open' sign to a 'closed' sign, the familiar bell sound rang all across the coffee shop. I glanced, annoyed, at the customer that came in only for me to come face-to-face with Usnavi.

"Hey." I said, dropping my voice to low, nurturing tone as he paced the coffee shop with a frightened expression.

"No, no hey." Usnavi said as he combed through his hair with his fingers in a befuddled matter. John, Benny and Maria came out of the locker room confused until they saw Usnavi.

"How've you been Usnavi?" Maria said, rushing to his side in a heartbeat and eloping him in a tight hug.

"Not great honestly." Usnavi said, less befuddled and more relaxed. "Thank you for asking."

"It's okay. I know your wife running out on you the night of your wedding can be hurtful." Maria said, pulling Usnavi tighter.

He murmured a 'thanks' before the words sank in and he pushed her off him suddenly.

"How did you know about that?" He asked, glancing at Maria accusingly while giving me, John and Benny the stink eye.

"I told her." Benny said, walking to Usnavi's side with the air of a toddler who was in trouble. "Please don't be mad."

"I-UGH!" Usnavi groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Of course, you go on babbling personal matters to your employees."

"Look, I didn't mean to. She deserves to kno-"

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