Meeting a New Friend

18 0 0

So this chapter will be just a bit shorter than my usual length, just to get the ball rolling before we get back to the usual length.

Hope you guys don't mind and enjoy the chapter!

God Bless and Good Day!

~The Lupine Sojourner

(Robyn PoV)


"Happy Birthday to me..." I sigh, swinging my legs off the edge of the rock I'm sitting on. I know my uncle has a 'situation' that popped up and he can't say no to the government, even for family, but still...

It was my 18th birthday yesterday (technically yesterday, since it's just after midnight), and he could only stop by on the way to some base and give me a small cake with 18 candles.

My gift was $750 cash for a car, per our agreement that I pay half.

He sang Happy Birthday, saw me blow out the candles, kissed my temple, and put a piece of cake in tupperware to eat later before leaving with profuse apologies and a promise to see me as soon as possible to buy a car and celebrate my birthday together.

I exhale, lying down again to look up at the stars. It's unfair how little I get to see my uncle despite him being my legal guardian.

It's clear he doesn't like it, either, but such is life when you're in the military, I guess.

Hang that a-maybe tonight isn't a total waste!

A shooting star!

I wish my uncle could be home more often...

I wish, but then realize it's getting bigger! And closer!

It's a meteor! Heading right for me!

Just in time, I jump off the rock, rolling and somehow getting to my feet and running before I'm knocked over by the force of the impact.

My ears ringing a little, I pick myself up, turning to see whatever was left of the meteor. Only fair after it nearly killed me...

Whoa! It completely destroyed the rock! it...moving?

What the hell?!

I swear it stands, illuminated by the nearly full moon. It's metal, whatever it is.

Is it some kind of robot? It looks almost human...

My shoe slips on debris as I back up and I let out a gasp as I hit the ground hard on my butt.

I see the thing turn to me and I instinctively sprint for the trail, but I don't get very far before a large metal...foot (I think) slams down right in front of me.

I scream even as I pivot and a hand grabs my torso and lifts me up.

"Easy, human. I'm not gonna hurt you."

It speaks?! It speaks English?!

I pound on the giant hand holding me, but likely don't accomplish anything but hurting my hands. "Let me go!" I scream. "Put me down!" This thing's grip is tight, making my panic worse as I struggle futilely in the hand.

"Ok, I will. Just let me explain, please. I promise I'm not going to hurt you, ok?"

I try to ignore my racing heart and slightly aching ribs as I nod, swallowing and praying this thing is telling the truth.

It almost sounds female, with glowing blue eyes and some kind of earpiece sticking up from either side of her head as she crouches to put me down, staying crouched.

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