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Harry felt his body go stiff, and he hesitantly replied while struggling to stand.

"What exactly does that mean?" He asked slowly, swallowing the lump in his throat at the implications. He must have asked the right question as the Horcrux's smile grew. Of course, he once again was not given a clear answer. Something he should have expected by now.

"Do you know what happens when one interacts with a Horcrux, Harry?" Flashes of Ginny on the chamber's cold wet floor made him shiver. The other Tom Riddle watched his reaction with amusement in his deep red eyes. His expression was the same as Diary Tom's when he finally revealed his true identity. The teen felt his finger twitch, a habitual feeling to go for his wand.

"So what? You're just going to kill me to become...real again?" Harry couldn't stop his hands from fidgeting. "Doesn't really seem like a great plan, considering I'm also a Horcrux and Voldemort probably wouldn't take too kindly to it," The teen hoped that mentioning the original soul would throw the Horcrux off, scare him enough to make him reconsider. To Harry's surprise, Tom chuckled in response as he stepped away from the basin. Harry wasn't sure what was so funny about what he said but he didn't want to ask. Why was this Tom so creepy?

"Kill you? Why on Earth would I kill you, my dear Harry?" The change from English to Parseltongue sent a strange heat to his stomach. "No, that would be a waste," The Horcrux made a show to look over Harry's entire body. The Gryffindor licked his lips anxiously, an action not gone unnoticed.

"That's a bit hard to believe considering you've been trying to kill me my entire life," He pointed out. Tom began to walk his way, his eyes examining him, assessing. The teen fought the urge to run far away from the bad man. Any closer and Harry would yell 'stranger danger'.

"That was before I knew how special you were to me," Tom smiled apologetically and Harry felt like gagging at how fake it looked. He'd seen literal shit make a more convincing smile

"You come any closer and I'll show you how special I can be," Harry threatened, clenching his fists at his sides. The red eyes of the Horcrux flickered down to his hands.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Harry. I won't even need much from you at all, definitely not your energy, I already have that figured out..." Creepy Tom looked back up at Harry. "I just need your body," He finished, smiling as if he didn't just say something that incredibly weirded him out. Harry shivered.

"So you're, what- going to possess me? Hate to burst your bubble, but that won't be as effective as you think," Harry glared, crossing his arms. "Not that I'm going to let you,"

"I needn't your permission," The Horcrux waved his hand dismissively. "Considering I'm already inside you," Harry gaped at the use of words, turning several shades of pink and sputtering.

"You fucking wish," The teen blurted out feeling completely flustered. The man in front of him held up a finger and wagged it at him.

"You should have learned by now that I always get what I want,"

"It's not always about you, you narcissistic piece of garbage," Harry threw back, glaring at the man. Tom's mood shifted suddenly, no longer amused with Harry's antics. His face morphed, and the man was no longer wearing his mask. Simmering anger, just below the surface. Harry recognized the look easily.

"Do me a favor and try not to fight it," Tom Riddle spat, advancing on him.

"Fight what?" Harry asked trying to take a step away only to find his feet were stuck in place. Panic shot through him as the man reached out and took hold of his head. Harry tried to pry the man's hands off of him, but he couldn't. "What are you doing?"

Playing With Fire (Harry Potter x Lord Voldemort)Where stories live. Discover now