Never Be Enough

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I'm trying to hold my breath.
Let it stay this way

"But that's nothing.." He let out a long sigh of defeat, eyes gazing over the wonders he'd just created with his own fingertips.

"What's the point in creating an infinite universe with trillions of star systems if you're only gonna let it run for a few thousand years. The engine would have probably warmed up by then."

"Ah, the point." Aziraphale cleared his throat.

"Uh, you've heard of earth?" He looked to his angel counterpart with a perplexed expression and shook his head.

"Not... Not as such. "

"Ah. Blue , green planet. It'll be over there somewhere.. " Aziraphale waved a hand off in the direction to their right. "..over there when they roll out that quadrant. Now that's where the people we're currently designing are going to be. I've seen the plans. Oh.." Aziraphale smiled a bit excitedly. "...we're going to start out with a breeding pair. And pretty soon, there will be oodles of them. They'll breed like um.."
Aziraphale paused, then let out a half-hearted chuckle. ". .well, they'll breed like people. Now the impression I get is that your stars and um.." Aziraphale pauses again, looking around. He sees his confusion and speaks calmly.

"Called a nebula." He states as Aziraphale nods.

"Right. Well, they exist just so the people can look up into the night sky and marvel at the illimital vastness of the almighty's creation."

He looks at Aziraphale in complete bewilderment.

"Well, that's idiocy! It's the universe, not just some fancy wallpaper. Millions of galaxies, trillions of stars, oodles of ...." He gestured his hands rapidly to the vastness in front of them. "... everything! It's not just put her to twinkle. Most of it won't even be visible from earth. Why not put earth in the middle of the universe so the views are better?"

Aziraphale looked to him with a somewhat apprehensive expression.

"It's not our job to advise the almighty on the details of creation."

"Whose job is it then? I mean someone has to say, look boss I think this is a really terrible idea."

Aziraphale seemed rather shocked at his words.

"Well, I suspect that would be considered inappropriate.

"How much trouble can I get in just for asking a few questions?" His words left his lips without thought of the consequences to come. The somewhat apprehensive look upon Aziraphales face cast a shadow of worry over him. But it quickly faded when his mind began forming more questions.

"Right well.." He flashed a bright smile at Aziraphale. "... thanks for the help again. Goodbye." Turning, he flitted off into the other zone.

Can't let this moment end.
You set off a dream in me

He made the stars, the beautiful nebulas for all of the heavens and future people of earth to see. The bright blue, pink, and purple hues swirling together to make the magnificent galaxies he had designed under the order of God. So why would it all be gone in six thousand years? That didn't set right with him at all. Something so beautiful and immense shouldn't have a time limit on it. No. He had to speak his mind.

Getting louder now
Can you hear it echoing?

[Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.
The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him] Revelation 12:7-9

"But why?" He questioned after hearing God speak about the Divine Plan. His soft eyes gazeing up at the almighty in disbelief.

"Oh my. You've been hanging around Lucifer, haven't you?" God spoke with a displeasing tone. As if a mother scolding their child. A look of confusion crossed his face as he took a moment to answer.

"Well. Not exactly. I've seen him in passing. I just don't see why all this has to go to waste? We worked so hard on it." He stated calmly, truthfully bearing no ill will towards the almighty. A reluctant sigh left God's mouth. Her voice became slightly more agitated.

"No one is too question my will." Her voice thundered around him, causing a faint ripple over his celestial body and the energy around him.

"But..." He started before a light blinded him, putting an arm up to shield his eyes as he felt the air changing. His wings instinctively moving to try and shield himself.

"My child, a treacherous snake. You have questioned my will too far. This sort of behavior is unacceptable. For this. I banish you from heaven. You will spend eternity with Lucifer and the other rebels in hell."

A piercing sound filled his ears as he plummeted through the heavens. Stars faded away as his vision blurred.
He felt like he was falling for ages. How long could this go on? Falling from such a height and speed, the friction began burning his wings, then his hair and skin. The pain was unimaginable, but not as such as the pain he would experience later. Blind to everything as the bright colors of heaven faded and soon was replaced with darkness. Darkness and cold. Whereas heaven had a warm feeling. Hell was cold. The deep recesses of earth had not been made for any creature to reside comfortably in.

Take my hand
Will you share this with me?

She can't banish everyone for asking questions, right? It's only temporary. She'll understand one day. And let us all back in with welcome arms.

The rebels of heaven became outcasts. Sent to this hell that had been created by Lucifer. A dark, cold bottomless pit beneath everything else. No light could penetrate it. No one could hear their anguished cries and screams as they writhed atop one another. Their burnt celestial bodied a mountain of agony and anguish.

[And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.] Jude 1:6

Lucifer was the first to break through the thick crust of the earth, clawing his way through and making the first chamber of hell. The other rebels slowly grew accustomed to their new forms. Most mutating into horrendous creatures. Some with grotesque attributes.

All except him.

But there was one difference. Despite his blackened wings, his eyes resembled that of a snake. The almightys words echoed in his mind, calling him a treacherous snake. The words that would doom him for eternity.

Words that would corrupt his once pure heart. Changing his form from angel to the serpent who would tempt eve in the garden.

Cause darling without you..

The first time he emerged from hell , the sight knocked the breath from him. As if his own heart had been taken out and crushed in front of him. Staring up at the sky, he could no longer see the stars. None of the beautiful nebulas he had created.

This was his punishment. He could no longer gaze upon his own creation. All because he asked a few questions.

All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough

He sank to his knees as he felt his soul aching, hands clawing into the dirt at his feet, squeezing his eyes closed.

This couldn't be. He'd only asked questions. He wasn't trying to utterly go against God. He just wanted to know. Why. WHY.
His fists angrily hit the ground repeatedly as he repeated the singular word that sealed his fate.

Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough

It would never be enough to see the early paintings of the constellations done by humans. It would never be enough to see the first photo from the hubble telescope of the nebula. It would never be enough to not see his own creations unless it be with his own eyes.

"I didn't mean to fall."

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