Paint the town Red

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"Let there be light." Crowley mumbled, snapping his fingers as the bright lights came on within the building.

They illuminate the dark red walls, reminiscent of  blood flowing downwards. If you stood still too long, you could swear there was a serpentine pattern swirling over the walls.

The solid black granite floor, faint specks of gold flecked across the pristine tiles.

And then the dark furniture. Of course, the furniture was there for more aesthetic purposes, the sharp corners and tough leather lacking comfort.

Taking one final look over his newfound **hobby**?

When Aziraphale left him and earth for heaven, something within him snapped. Whilst in the presence of his angel, he found it easy to be a *good demon*. Now. Hell hath risen again within his dark soul. The thoughts of temptations and debauchery filled his head, and what better way to spread such amongst humans than a night club.

It was easy to procure the location, it being across the street from the bookshop. Rather poetic. The one place he'd found as a sort of sanctuary now had become a hallow shell of his former relationship.

Now, he had his own sanctuary. One filled with vices that suited him far better, alcohol being one of them. He'd make sure the establishment never ran out of the poison humans so loved. Drugs, however, he was appalled by and didn't want the paperwork of numerous humans dying within his reach.

Spreading the word of a new nightclub in this modern age was easy. Making a single announcement on social media, he knew the building would be packed as soon as the sun set. Humans flocking to get their fill of their own taste of the forbidden fruit. All within the Serpents Den Nightclub.

A faint smirk curled onto his lips as he placed his sunglasses on his face now. Turning as he went to the front doors, pushing them open dramatically. A devilish grin formed as he saw the throng of humans dying to get inside now. Scantily dressed women and well-dressed men cheered as he opened the doors. It sent a rush of adrenaline through him as he opened his arms wide.

"Welcome to the Serpents Den! Come and enjoy the delicious taste of the forbidden delights." Crowley smirked, stepping aside as everyone began walking inside. The lights dimming and some flashing red as techno music began blasting from the speakers. The bartenders are becoming overwhelmed with partons within seconds.

Standing in his private room, he looked down at the humans gyrating their sweaty , horny bodies against one another. Any demon passing by would surely feel the amount of lust and temptations within the building.

Crowley chuckled to himself as he emptied his whiskey glass. "Humans are so predictable."
He muttered to himself, snake eyes glancing over the crowd as he noticed some men getting rather physically irrate with one another at the bar. With an annoyed sigh and snap of his fingers, the two men began making out instead. He chuckled louder, seeing the shocked expressions of the closer humans. He quite enjoyed the looks of drunken surprise.

"Too easy." He muttered, walking over to his personal bar as he refilled his glass with the amber liquid. For a brief moment, he thought he could hear a voice chastising him for such corrupt measures he was taking now. Turning as if expecting to see him standing there, he frowned. With a roll of his eyes, he flopped down onto his couch.

"I do what I want now. No *angel* to stop me."

Reaching up, he removed his sunglasses, and seeing as he was alone for now, he glanced towards the large window, which overlooked the dance floor below.

"See you in hell." He raised his glass to his reflection in the window before downing the liquid with a satisfied hiss.

Of course, he knew this would attract the attention of hell, but as far as he was concerned, he was doing what he was meant to. Tempt the souls of humans to appease Satan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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