Number 13 (Ophiuchus)

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Zodiac signs make up the year

You think that all the signs are here

But only 12 signs do you see

Everyones forgets bout number 13

When the ancient kings devised

A scheme of dividing the skies

They sorted the ecliptic into signs

The number, it was not fine

"Thirteen is too much

Eleven's not enough

Twelve is most beautiful to me

In spite of the reality"

We've got rams and bulls and twins mirrored

And crabs and lions and virgins the dearer

Scales and scorpions and centaurs

Goats, cupbearers, fish in the stars

But is there no room for serpent bearers?

Who will fix this grievous error?

Who the true number will see?

Who cares about number 13?

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