Would Jesus

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Would Jesus have a private jet and wear expensive clothes

Would Jesus drive a fancy car and wear designer robes

Would Jesus talk of love and forgiving while spreading hate and fear

Would Jesus condemn gay rights while taking it up the rear

Would Jesus talk of holiness while his heart was full of scars

Would Jesus condemn drug addicts while his head was in the stars

Would Jesus ask for money and keep it for himself

Would Jesus hate the poor and different and send them all to hell

Would Jesus ask you to ignore his hypocrisies like they never did occur

Would Jesus look at injustice and never say a word

Would Jesus spit on the cross and nail us to it instead

Would Jesus take our money and leave us all for dead

If that's truly who you believe Jesus to be

Then I'm sorry, my friend, but Jesus ain't for me

The Door Flew Open, In He RanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora