⭐️ They ask you to be their girlfriend ⭐️

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💙 John Dory 💙

- John Dory had been wanting to ask you for a while, and he really wasn't shy about asking.

- He would take you back stage after a concert and pop the question.

- "ok (y/n), now I don't have a lot of time to ask you, but we've had such a great time together and I think it's about time we started dating. No pressure."

- He said this with alot of confidence and a smile when he finished.

- And of course, no doubt about it, you said yes as soon as he finished talking.

💜 Spruce 💜

- Spruce asked you the day after his little restaurant was finished.

- "So, (Y/n). I was wondering something. I wanted to know if maybe you'd want to help me run my restaurant." He said.

- "Oh yeah! Sure! I'd love to!" You replied. You didn't know that he was asking you to be his girlfriend, which he wasn't clear on that.

"No (y/n). I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend." He said with a shy smile.

- Then you laughed it off and said yes.

💚 Clay 💚

- Clay was extremely awkward and nervous about asking you.

- You guys had been friends since the great Bergen attack and he didn't want to ruin anything.

- "So (y/n). My main girl. Girlfriend. I MEAN NOT GIRLFRIEND! I mean, you could be my girlfriend if you wanted to. I mean-uhhh, would you want to?" He would say fidgeting with his hands.

- "Clay, I would love nothing more then to be your girlfriend." You'd reply.

- "Yes!" He would exclaimed and hug you.

❤️ Floyd ❤️

- Floyd was also very nervous to ask you. Since you were a lot like John Dory, he didn't know if you'd like someone like him.

- So, instead he made John Dory ask you for him.

- "Hey (N/n). My little bro floyd wanted me to ask you if you'd be his girlfriend. He was to shy to say it to your face, so, here I am." He admitted.

- Floyd listened to the whole thing red faced.

- "well, in that case, tell Floyd I'd love to be his girlfriend." You replied.

- Floyd smiled and blushed uncontrollably.

🤍 Branch 🤍

- After your date with branch, he didn't really ask you to be his girlfriend yet.

- So it was one day that you guys were on walk around pop village when he pulled you aside and popped the question.

- "So. (Y/n). We've known each other, since we were little, and I thought now would be a good time to ask you to be my girl.....friend. But I totally understand if you say no, I mean, it's whatever if you don't want to...." He trailed off.

- You shut him off by hugging him and kissing his cheek.

-"Branch, I'd love to." You simply replied and hugged him more.

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