Jean X Reader

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You were getting ready for your 2nd year anniversary with your boyfriend Jean. He was taking you to where you meant when you first moved (y/h/t).

the two of you started to drive to where the farm was. little did you know that Jean had something really special planned for you.
(Timeskip two on the trail with the horses)

"Jean, where are we going?" you asked getting kind of impatient.

"It's a surprise, you're just going to have to wait till we get there" Jean said trying not to get too excited.

soon enough you and Jean came across a clearing, and in the middle of the clearing you could see your dream house.

"Jean, what is this?" You asked im shock.

"It's for you love, happy anniversary!" now Jean was smiling ear to ear "Do you want to go inside"?

when you were inside you couldn't help but act like a child in a ball pit. The house is amazing it had everything you ever dreamed of. You turn around to thank Jean again, but when you turn around you saw him on one knee. Before you could say anything he started talking.

"(Y/N), I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, the last two years have been the best I've ever had. will you (F/N) (L/N) do the honors of making me the happiest horse on earth.

you couldn't help but laugh at what he had said, in tears you answered Jean's question with a big YES!

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