Breakfast...don't make me laugh

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Honestly, I was not in the mood for breakfast with the king at all. He was the one who actually did listen to Elincia and make my mother go free. Well free for what? She was a criminal and the moment he spoke her free, everyone including myself knew that she would face something worse than a simple death. In fact, death was somehow a good option seeing as she would be scorned, hated, abused and who knows what. I could even think about people try to actually poin her. If it won't be Elincia herself. It felt off knowing how this society works and all that Elincia wanted something like that.

Me: *sigh*

Eustice: Is something wrong?

I may have sighed a couple of times too much in front of the king that he was asking me that. Though could someone actually blame me for it?

Me: Can I ask you something?

Eustice: Anything. Is there something you want?

Me: No, I just want to know why you pardoned my mother.

Eustice: Are you not happy about it?

Me: She committed a crime.

Eustice: And yet she is your mother.

Me: Who I do not know at all and do not care.

Eustice: I see... 

Me: You also know that she will face even more hardship from now on.

Eustice: ....

He couldn't answer me or he didn't wanted too. Who knows what the reason was but I kinda already had enough. Just sitting there was making me sick and not only that but I spottet my little butterfly in the room. It would only return if it had found something important out. I just had to know.

Me: I am already full, pardon me your majesty.

With that said, I stood up and didn't even waited for a reply. I knew I couldn't stand being with this king in one room. He was the reason why I ran away and why my life was miserable. Whelp, not as if he would actually do anything about it at all. He was clueless and for all my life, I had to hide my emotion and fear that he wouldn't kill me like in the book that I read about my future. I was still alive so that was a plus.

Anyways, I quickly headed to the guarden where no one could see me. 

Me: Emerald, did you find something out?

Emerald: Yes Master.

Me: Good, tell me what it is.

Of course I was leaning against a tree trying to hide a bit while having the butterfly resting on my finger. It was a really nice sight if people didn't know what kind of Butterfly that was and that it was a summoned creature.

Emerald: Not good. Not good. You must be careful.

Me: Don't worry, I will.

Emerald: I overhead that woman when she was all alone. She started laughing and said something about you gonna see how it feels like challenging her.

Me: So she planned something? 

Emerald: Yes.

Me: Do you know what it is?

Emerald: No, her maid came in and said everything was prepared for the tea party.

So it is starting earlier than I had known about it.

That would make everyone question my etiquette...

I can't have that especially not when people don't even look at my image in a good light for now.

Me: Did you overhear when the tea party would start?

Emerald: Around in an hour.

Me: Thanks.

???: Who are you talking to little sister?

All off the sudden, I could hear someone behind me but the thing was that I couldn't sense anyone approaching at all. When I turned around I could see my brother Rexion there. He took up the role of head mage in the castle just to be with me. 

Me: The butterfly isn't it pretty.

Rexion: Oh you made it land on your finger.... how cute.

Me: Look at it's pretty green and blackisch color.

Emerald: Don't make me all shy and embarrassed!

Emerald did try to hide itself while opening his wings and basically going around my hand to simply hide but I knew it was also enjoying all the attention right now and for me, I was really just hoping that Rexion didn't listen to anything else but the Thanks.

Rexion: I've never seen such a butterfly before.

Me: It's really beautiful and I was talking to it earlier.

Rexion: I can see why you thanked it.

Me: Yeah and before that I told it how pretty it was.

Rexion: It may had landed on your hand just as a small gratitude because of that and sensing your good nature as well.

Not really....

I mean I am its master but oh well let's go with that.

Me: You think so?

Rexion: Yes.

The butterfly took off and I decided to talk to Rexion a bit more before I left to get prepared for my little show. Whatever was about to happen couldn't be good. Just in case I told my brother about the party and of course as good natured as he was, he actually said he was about to visit it to check out the costume of a tea party or that is how he called. 

Whelp, it was sure gonna be one tea party no one could forget at all.

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