Do I look happy to you?

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As you're walking to your door you forgot to check the the mailbox downstairs so you take the elevator and go downstairs to check the Mail. Once you open the mailbox you see you got a lot of letters but no address or name.

"Hm strange" you thought to yourself and started thinking wait is it from someone you know or are they just random letters. You make your way back upstairs to you're apartment.

Lemme just see what these letters are and who are they from it's freaking me out. I plop myself onto the couch and open the first letter.

Dearest, daughter 

Oh my god they literally could've just texted me why are they so extra.

It's been years since you last saw us and your friends it's not like you can avoid us forever we miss you so much and are so proud you have great things going on for you we couldn't be any happier. Just come visit once in a while or just move back you don't have to live with us you can just get a place we would obviously help you if you want but please think about that. You're siblings have all left doing god knows what so it's just the two of us and frankly it gets pretty boring, okay maybe not that boring because you're siblings do come and VIST US At least because they love us do you love us y/n?
Just move back here at this point it might be better for everyone. If you don't want to completely understand we just wanted to let you know that we miss you.

your parents

I don't understand why they couldn't have texted me instead like I didn't block them at all. They're so extra sometimes but they know exactly how to get my attention every time. I wonder if they wrote all of these just begging me to visit them.

I open the second letter and it's from Avani...
Wait I didn't block her why is she writing me a letter?

Dear, y/n

Your parents were writing you a letter so I wanted to write one too. Okay you need to come back home because they miss you a lot more than they thought they would or maybe we do as in your friends. It's honestly not really fun anymore without you. I see you having fun with your friends and then I wonder was I not a good enough friend to you or something. I really hope not, I would text you a paragraph but it wouldn't be the same as you reading something I wrote with my hands I know it sounds sentimental and shit but clearly I miss my friend. Oh and by the way he's still not over you he's always thinking about you and asking where did she go. He doesn't know and neither do the rest of us honestly you when completely ghost on everyone including your parents who are actually really sweet and chill to be around. They invite us over and like to chill with all of us even you know who. To keep this short come back it's time to have fun and party because we're all done school and we're free. Just consider it and text me so I know you got the letter and I'm not her writing with your parents for no reason.


She so sweet but why are my parents chilling with Mattia. Him and I aren't even together that's so weird it gives me the ick like why are you hanging out with my ex boyfriend who has clearly moved on or something there's no way he's still thinking about me after all this time.

I opened the next letter and it said

Dear, little sister

Okay seriously why is everyone writing letters like they don't own any phones. This is honestly entertaining they wrote all these letters when they could've just sent a text and I would've gotten it right away. I honestly wonder who's idea this was?

Dear, little sister

It's me Justin and Jayson is here too but he doesn't write shit on paper I don't know Mom is making all of us write these because it's supposed to special I don't fucking know just get your ass back here so we know everything's okay because they miss you since you're the only girl and the youngest so that's your advantage. You're almost 20 or are you 20 I don't know. Anyways jayson beat up you're ex boyfriend when he found out what he did you honestly missed the best fight ever. I have a video but I'm not sending it I'd rather show you once you get here. They're friends now surprisingly so am I he's changed a lot and he's a cool guy. I'm not letting you date again just letting you know I was nice enough but I swear you're not allowed to date. Jayson says if you don't come back he's going to find you and make you stay here he doesn't care at this point he's stuck here too dad won't let him or me leave all because they're little baby is in a different country. Since when did they give a fuck I'm pretty sure they just wanna see you then that's.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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