Chapter 1 Part 2 - Growing up

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It's been 5 months since my birth, living my life as a normal infant doing things on impulse, crying, dirtying myself trying my best not to worry them by doing something different and not child-like

At first, it was hard to adjust to this body with how limited things I can do and trying to control myself from pooping after getting tired I let things flow 'naturally' without a care in the world just like now

Maaaaaaaa calling my mother for help

"Ashwin mom has to cook, Please let mom cook," Mom said trying to free me from herself *boohoo* but I refused to let go I didn't want to leave my parents for even a second then dad entered the kitchen and started laughing "hey dad don't just stand there laughing and take care of Ashwin until I am done with cooking" mom ordered dad "yes yes Ashwin come here" dad took me from mom and mom taking a sigh of relief started preparing breakfast "Ashwin why don't you let go of mom huh," dad asked me with a confused face "what about me I am your dad you know why don't you want to be held by me" now he is making a sad and confused face

The answer is simple his sharp beard stings a lot, especially with my soft skin, but Dad thinks it's fine to rub his beard on my soft cheeks he even enjoys that

"Just why Ashwin" he was about to rub his beard again I started slapping his cheeks away In protest boobooobboobobo but it failed, I cried to Mom for help but she ignored me

My grandma, and grandpa entered the kitchen I cried to them for help but they just laughed it off

Booooooooooo (somebody help meeeee)


After becoming 2 years old I got a lot more comfortable with my life now being able to do a lot more things and have less physical limitations and more self-control, I am at a stage where it wouldn't be weird for me to talk a lot, so I have been making the most out of it talking to my parents about all sorts of things but also acting like a normal boy playing with children of my own age and also planning my future and how to make the most out of my time as a child and decided that I shouldn't neglect my studies just because I don't have to do them now but the efforts I put in now will pay off in the future and also learning other skill like drawing and singing because I don't really need to buy anything specific for them and also make more friends because in the past life I stayed an introvert for like 10 to 12 years always thinking that it's too late to change how I am but with a fresh start I am going to go all out, oh, and also I am doing light exercise to strengthen my body for when I start learning some martial art so yeah that's about it for my life goals for now

As for this time-travel thing that happened to me, I have no idea what happened?, Did my consciousness traveled to another parallel dimension because I got hit real hard by the truck just thinking about this and remembering my death shakes me to my core, or did some godly being did this, did I time leaped into the past, or become a guinea pig for a scientific experiment or something, do I have some kind of mysterious power I don't know about

I tried looking into different articles, news reports, different documentaries, searched the internet for people with similar experiences, going to the library with my grandfather scraping any piece of paper I could find and reading them so intensely that Grandpa got curious asking me if I even understand them and I could only answer with a big NO because it was all wasted effort at the end of the day most of them either turned out to be hoaxed for publicity or theories without any example or proof

So I stopped caring about it and just accepted the fact that I am living my life all over again

But I still find it an interesting thing to study so I will probably continue studying 'time' as a hobby

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