Chapter 2 Part 6 - They are all the same

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Seeing her back as she left the park the sky got darker with night coming, I stood there recalling what she had just said and why she thought I had done something wrong

Grabbing my shirt, shouting at me and getting worried about them

I am a bad person just because I beat that boy a little and it's fine for him to say whatever he wants to about my family, my dead parents

She is worried for that boy because he got unconscious just from a strike at his abdomen

And I shouldn't have done that

He said he was practising martial arts from the young age of 5 if I didn't get serious then I would have been the one in his place

Would she still be that worried for me

I don't think so

She said I should have thought about his family

But what about my family

It's only natural that I won't let them go easy

And on top of that, he was the one who asked for a match and she also knows about that so why is she saying that I shouldn't have done that

She probably wouldn't care much if I was the one unconscious

I don't have a 'real' or 'normal' family after all

It must be nice having a 'family' huh

I never really cared much or paid any attention to other's families nor did I ever say anything bad about them but it seems to be okay for them to say about mine and probably Aditi and all of my friends and classmates do that behind my back and thinks like that boy I just fought with

"They are all the same"

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