Johnny Cade Head cannons

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[:] Johnny loves to take you out to the lot when it just stopped raining and you guys sit on the bench and cuddle [:]

[:] When he is sick, you always sleep next to him and keep him warm [:]

[:] Darry once '' Grounded '' you both for showing too much PDA. It caused you two to show even more and be a pain in the ass [:]

[:] When the socs jump him, you always beat their ass and then take him to the Nightly Double and yall watch movies together, but end up making out most of the movie [:]

[:] You guys always go camping together [:]

[:] When you guys watch a scary movie, you always bury your head in his chest and he holds you when you get scared.  [:]



[:] After his parents beat him, you guys like to go to the lot and smash things together, it usually results in you guys making out after [:]

[:] When your dad kicked you out, you guys went and egged his house, and threw baseballs at the windows and shot it with BB guns. [:]

[:] After a hard day at work, you guys always try and watch a movie to make you feel better. Usually, Dirty Dancing or Roadhouse. You're a sucker for Swayze. [:]



[:] You guys don't really do it much, so there isn't much here [:]

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