Lexicon of Literary Excellence

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Some interesting words for your writing:
Aberrant - deviating from the usual course.
Adroit - clever or skillful in using one's hands or mind.
Altruistic - selfless and concerned for others.
Amiable - friendly and pleasant.
Amorous - showing or expressing love.
Alluring - attractive or tempting.
Audacious - bold and daring.
Belligerent - hostile and aggressive.
Bombastic - high-sounding but with little meaning.
Bombinate - to make a humming or buzzing noise.
Bountiful - abundant or plentiful.
Bucolic - relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside.
Capitivating - capable of attracting and holding attention.
Capricious - impulsive and unpredictable.
Cacophony - harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
Cogent - clear and convincing.
Cogitative - involving deep thought.
Convoluted - complex and difficult to follow.
Debilitated - weakened or enfeebled.
Despondent - in low spirits.
Delineate - to describe or portray precisely.
Diligent - hardworking and conscientious.
Diaphanous - light, delicate, and translucent.
Divergent - differing from each other.
Eclectic - deriving ideas or style from a diverse range of sources.
Ebullient - enthusiastic and cheerful.
Effervescent - bubbly, lively, and enthusiastic.
Effulgent - shining brightly, radiant.
Ephemeral - short-lived or fleeting.
Exquisite - extremely beautiful or delicate.
Facetious - humorous, not meant to be taken seriously.
Fervent - passionate, intense, or earnest.
Flamboyant - strikingly bold or colorful.
Flabbergasted - extremely surprised or shocked.
Garrulous- excessively talkative.
Grandiloquent - pompous or extravagant in language.
Gregarious - sociable and outgoing.
Gratuitous - uncalled for or lacking good reason.
Halcyon - calm and peaceful.
Harangue - a lengthy and aggressive speech.
Harbinger - a sign or omen of what is to come.
Harrowing - extremely distressing or agonizing.
Hapless - unfortunate or unlucky.
Iconic - widely recognized and well-established.
Iconoclastic - challenging established traditions or conventions.
Ineffable - too great or extreme to be expressed in words.
Incandescent - emitting light as a result of being heated.
Incorrigible - incapable of being corrected or reformed.
Jocular - characterized by joking or jesting.
Jovial - cheerful and friendly.
Juxtaposed - placed side by side for contrast
Juxtapose - to place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
Kindle - to ignite or inspire
Knotty - extremely complex or difficult to solve
Kowtow - to act in an excessively subservient manner
Labyrinthine - complicated and confusing, like a labyrinth
Loquacious - very talkative
Lucid - clear and easily understood
Magnanimous - generous and forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person
Maverick - an independent-minded person
Meticulous - showing great attention to detail
Mellifluous - sweetly flowingor sounding
Nascent - just beginning to exist or develop
Nebulous - hazy, unclear, or ill-defined
Nefarious - extremely wicked or villainous
Nonchalant - coolly unconcerned or indifferent
Opulent - ostentatiously rich and luxurious
Ostentatious - characterized by vulgar or pretentious display
Palatial - resembling a palace in grandeur
Palpable - able to be touched or felt, tangible
Paradigm - a typical example or pattern of something
Pernicious - harmful or destructive
Querulous - complaining in a whining manner
Quixotic - exceedingly idealistic and unrealistic
Quotidian - occurring daily, ordinary or commonplace
Recalcitrant - stubbornly resistant to authority or control
Redolent - strongly reminiscent or suggestive
Resolute - admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering
Resplendent - shining brilliantly
Sagacious - wise and discerning
Salient - most noticeable or important
Sanguine - optimistic or positive, especially in a difficult situation
Serendipitous - occurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way
Serene - calm, peaceful, and untroubled
Tenuous - very weak or slight
Tenacious - persistent and determined
Trepid - apprehensive or nervous
Ubiquitous - present everywhere
Unabashed - not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed
Unassailable - unable to be attacked or defeated
Vanguard - a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas
Vacillating - indecisive or wavering
Verdant - green with grass or other rich vegetation
Vexatious - causing annoyance or frustration
Winsome - charming and pleasing
Whimsical - playfully quaint or fanciful
Xenial - hospitable and friendly
Xenophobic - having a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries
Yielding - giving in easily or flexible
Zealous - enthusiastic and fervent
Zephyr - a gentle, mild breeze
Zestful - full of enthusiasm and energy.

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