Emma Blackery (love at first... Breakup?)

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Authors Note: You see tons of Wattpad Stories dedicated from the girls perspective however this one technically suits in for boys and girls but that depends on what gender you like, you can think of this as a friend connection if you wish xxx Anyway ENJOY!
You couldn't believe it! Emma Blackery (aka the girl of your dreams) had recently broken up with Luke Cutforth... it was BLASPHEMY! You loved Emma and liked Luke (no boy crushes here..) and they seemed to be doing fine in their videos, but of course not every YouTuber broadcasts their private life on camera.

You had met Emma several times before, the first time you met her was at a supermarket. You had thought she was gorgeous and flirted for a little while but when you discovered she had a boyfriend you were more then a little put off. Emma was funny, gorgeous, intelligent and one of the most real.. She was just fantastic!

Walking slowly down a darkened street, you saw a girl who had bright red hair (a wig) and tears flying down her face; you quickly asked "Are you okay.... Emma?" the girl had looked up at you and now you could clearly see her beautiful face up close again and be able to gaze into her gorgeous E/C. Shockingly she recognized you "Hi... Y/N how's things going?" She sniffled, to which you had to hug her. Seeing Emma, a great girl who never did no wrong from your perspective, cry was the last thing you wanted to see. You smiled as Emma hugged you back "I am fine.. Obviously your not though care to tell me what happened?" She flinched slightly and looked at you with worry and concern, she barely knew you would she really trust you?

The answer was yes. Emma smiled sadly "I broke up with Luke. We had...problems.." You quickly felt sympathetic towards her. You had been watching Luke and Emma's videos for a while and you knew he was a good guy. The best part about this situation for you however was that, he wasn't the one that made Emma cry it was her own actions that had resulted in these tears that fell from her gorgeous, mascara-stained cheeks.

Looking upon her beautiful face that was worn and broken upset you... more then you cared to say. Speaking lowly you said "Look I am not busy right now, do you... maybe want to go somewhere? Like McDonalds?"
She laughed half-heartily and replied "looking like this? It's bad enough in the dark let alone a lit up room!"
You smiled "you don't know that... You look lovely"
"Ha! Yeah, I do know that. When I cry with makeup on I end up looking like a panda on drugs."
"EMMA! Don't say that about yourself, your beautiful! Well..without this sounding weird, do you want to come round mine and get sorted out... Or maybe I could walk you home?" You smiled sincerely hoping that she would yes to coming/going anywhere with you.
Emma thought for a second "you can walk me to my house, I'm sure I can live with being in your presence a little bit longer."
You laughed "Oh really? Well thank you Princess Panda!"
She grimaced and you walked to her house together laughing, smiling and just having a good time... such a good time in fact that you didn't notice you were holding hands the whole time.

Authors Note: Okay so it isn't my best but it took a LOOOOOONG time to write! Hope you enjoyed it and please comment any criticism or just anything in general and stay weird!
From your EVERLASTINGLY WEiRd author,
Kaia Lonergan x

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