The Fruit, The Witch and the Shinobi Part 1

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🌞Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!🌞

At the DWMA, we see something odd, as at school's mission board, there was an odd sight, as a mass of students had gathered, staring and gossiping in a mass of shock and awe... but these NPCs weren't important whatsoever, compared to two very familiar faces seeing this news.

Soul: "N-No way...."

Blackstar: "This... isn't possible..."


The two screamed in a mass of panic, grabbing a mass of attention, before they both suddenly ran off, dashing down the hallways side by side, continuing to scream loudly...


Inside of Class Crescent Moon the rest of our heroes had gathered for class, waiting for the day to start as the students just sat around doing their own things, with Maka and Y/n sitting side by side.

Maka: "Huh... So... it was really that easy to make up between you and Julie?"

Maka said with a dry tone and an unamused expression on her face.

Y/n: "Yup! I even amaze myself sometimes!"

Y/n on the other hand had his arms behind his head, an immensely proud smile on his face with his feet kicked up on the table.

Maka: "... I don't buy it."

Y/n: "What!? What's so hard to believe!?"

Maka: "Relationships aren't that easy. Especially when it's between Two Partners who used to be romantic partners."

Y/n: "Don't compare me to DeathScythe!"

Maka: "I'm not! I'm comparing Julie to him! You're honestly more like my mom in this situation."


Maka: "Psha."

Y/n: "Anyway! Unlike DeathScythe! I'm not a massive pervert! So I can actually mend my relationships."

Maka: "Nuh-uh."

Y/n: "The Fuck You Mean, "Nuh-Uh"!?"

Maka: "I've met Julie before, and I've seen her Soul. She's kind of really controlling and scummy."

Maka said, crossing her arms with a look of victory in her eyes, while Y/n struggled to respond, until he suddenly pouted.

Y/n: "SHE'S CHANGED! I saw it first hand!"

Maka: "You mean she told you she's changed."

Y/n: "Yes..."

Maka: "Damn, didn't no lying was uninvented."

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