Chapter 11: Battle on the Alps

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Great Eastern Alps, Sivestian Empire, Octubres 19, 525

Sivestian troops and panzer divisions lined up outside the mountains with forests. Defenses, bunkers, and trenches were meticulously constructed.

Commanding the defense force was General Gabon Kryilies, fully cognizant of the looming threat posed by the millions of daemons intent on conquering the great eastern continent. Peering through his binoculars, he observed the forest below, where the ominous sounds of trees crashing and wood splitting echoed. In response, the defenders swiftly assumed their positions, aligning tanks and artillery to face the approaching Daemonic Horde. Tension thickened in the air as they readied themselves for the imminent onslaught.

"Why come here already!?" General Kryilies frantically shouted to himself.

An army of 200,000 daemons slowly emerged, causing trees to fall in their wake. Clad in red and black daemonic armor, armed with an array of weapons. A Dentaur (demonic centaur) at the front emerged from the crowd of the daemonic army, pointing his spear menacingly at the Sivestian defenders.

"SURRENDER OR FACE ANNIHILATION!!!" The Dentaur screamed, but the Sivestians remained unfazed by the dire threat.

"Remember! We are the protectors of this land!" General Kryilies reminded his army. With a resounding order, "FIRE!!!" he screamed.

The Sivestian defenders unleashed a barrage of firepower. Soldiers fired their bolt-action rifles and machine guns, tanks unleashed their turrets, and cannons roared, targeting the charging daemon horde.

The Sivestian defenders succeeded in killing thousands of demons during the initial assault. However, the daemons, seemingly unfazed, continued their relentless charge.

Sharpshooters from the daemon horde expertly fired their crossbows, inflicting gruesome casualties among the Sivestians. The air filled with the unsettling sounds of war - screams, gunfire, and the grotesque symphony of battle.

General Kryilies, using his elven ears, turned and saw hordes of daemons on both sides, overrunning the trenches and bunkers with soldiers in them.

"They're flanking us!" He shouted, "Protect our flanks!"


Sivestian troops grew desperate, while in the forest, Daemon Lord Aralia observed her daemonic army overrunning the elves. She smirked with satisfaction, reveling in the souls taken from the fallen Sivestian defenders.

"Hehehe.... What a nice view..... Oh, so many deaths!" She exclaimed with glee.

Then her subordinate, the 1st Daemon Lord General Arckan(the strongest, btw), appeared behind her, kneeling. Aralia glanced back at her subordinate, "Ah, Lord General Arckan, what seems to be the problem?" She questioned her subordinate.

Still kneeling and looking down, Lord General Arckan responded, "My lord, if you don't mind me asking..." she suddenly stopped.

Aralia tilted her head, "Oh, just ask me anything." Arckan nodded, grateful for getting permission from the Daemon Lord.

"Mhm, if you don't mind me asking, why are we even going to capture their base and undamaged when we could instead fire millions of enhanced arrows that can block even the sun?" She asked Aralia.

Aralia smirked, "Good question, 1st Lord General Arckan. Well, it's simple: we want their weird weapons. We want to reverse engineer their weapons for our army. Their wooden staffs(bolt action rifles) that can spit out explosives, and to be honest it could heavily injure me...." Aralia explained.

"O- oh, I understand, my Lord. Forgive me for my lack of thinking." Arckan apologized. "Those dull looking wooden staffs can injure my Lord!?!? Impossible, there's no way! If it could injure her, then it will be dangerous to let our army have it! I must find a way to counter it!" She said in her mind.

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