chapter 2 -The mysterious hell

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As i passed between these dark clouds

With him,I was thinking about the

Place where he is taking me to.

All these years i have only heard

Of that mysterious hell,but now

I'm going to see it infront of my eyes

And experience it. The stories i heard

About that place is as scarier as it can

Be. I said to myself "You have fought

Many wars in your life,and you have

Won most of them,As much as you

Enjoyed your success, you should

Accept this defeat.Life Isn't always

About winning,Your life in heaven

Has come to an end and all the

Good people and the good things

You had there,it's all in the past

Now it's time to face the harsh reality.

After a long journey we both reached

There. He looked into my eyes and

Shouted loudly "The paradise of

Darkness...Welcome to my kingdom."

Other than his voice ,Everything was

Silent There. As we were walking

Through the hell, I saw many people.

None of them smiled,everyone there

Forgot about their beautiful past.

Eventough those hopeless people

Were able to breathe, they were

All dead. There was nothing good

To see here. I was thinking about this

Brave and merciless soldier on the

Way to my cell. How can someone be

So emotionless? Why did he created

This mysterious hell? What does he

do to the hopeless soldiers over here?

I Was thinking about the powerful

Weapon he had. On the battlefield

He was able to Freeze me with his

Weapon. I really felt ashamed of

Myself for not understanding the

Power of weapon he had. We reached

My cell and he dragged me to the

Ground. As I was sitting covered with

chain And a complete blood shedded

body Of mine in the cell,he said "You

think That the war is over now?...No

the Real one starts now . You have

fighted Against many warriors ,but

now it's Time to fight against

Yourselves. No one has ever won this

War here, Even if you win by any

Miracle you are never going to be the

Same person again. Let me see what

You are going to do..

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