Broken Apologies

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Alex's P.O.V

"What should we do with him?"
"I dunno.. Does he have any cash on him? Maybe we can take it."
"He looks young, probably never been fucked before."

After that last comment I woke up from the darkness my mind was lingering in and sat my body straight up to look at the three men staring at me like I was a piece of meat. While staring at the predators I patted my skinny-jean pockets to make sure my phone was still there and once I felt the square outline I darted out of the dingy car. I had a feeling the men wouldn't chase after me, but since I didn't have much muscle I thought maybe they would try and fight me. That was scary as fuck... I've never been in a situation like that. Why did I even get in their car last night.... I don't remember a single thing.

As I was walking along a sidewalk that I did not know the name of I started to recognize where I was. Once I ended up in front of the club I was in last night I spotted my poor, beat up Toyota. (I honestly have no clue what kind of car he has all I know is that it looks exactly like my brothers ._. )

I hopped in my baby and just sat there for a few seconds.


I really messed up. I don't know how I was going to get Ellie to forgive me. Lately I've been having so many mixed emotions with her, and with Delanie. I've know Delanie since I was 15.. I don't think I could just break off our relationship, or whatever we possessed just with a snap of my fingers. Delanie was there for me when no one else was... It's like I owed her a part of me or something. With El though, she made me feel so amazing. She made everything seem okay. This isn't a love triangle or some shit, because I know I most definitely do not love Delanie. As for El.... Maybe it's just a friendship love.

I know nothing, but what I do know is that I need Ellie in my life. I feel like she makes me a better person, and that's saying a lot because I used to be a pretty insidious human being. Not saying I am an amazing, nice, loving one now, but I have definitely changed a lot from that fucked up, drug addict back in my teen days.

I rested my head upon the head rest for a few minutes, then once I composed the energy to get up I started my car and check my mirrors. I noticed the card, chocolate, and Lana magazine I bought for Ellie yesterday to try and help her forgive me. I am so stupid. Of course this wouldn't make her forgive me. I remember that one night in that dingy restaurant when she laid it all out for me....

(Is this how writers introduce flashbacks? Eh, just go with it.)


"Please Alex!" El whined, jumping on my bed.

I moaned, trying to show her I was annoyed but in reality I was not.

"El, it's fucking seven o' clock I doubt any place is even open." I stated, lifting myself up off my bed and resting my body weight onto my elbows.

"Alex. You know damn well everywhere is open at this time! C'mon we can go to the diner and get your favorite hash brown meal!" She said enthusiastically. El looked so beautiful right now, her hair was down and natural, her face was makeup free and her eyes looked like they were literally sparkling. I could not resist that face.

"Ugh, fine." I stated reluctantly. I mean, I did want to go and get food but I was not really in the mood for hashbrowns.


As I was driving to our destination I thought of a cute little Mexican restaurant that we could go to. I was not going to tell El this of course. As we passed the dinner she looked up from her phone and patted my arm.

"Alex, Alex!" She started hitting my arm now. Ouch.

"What?" I said innocently.

"We just passed up the diner..." She said in a questioning tone.

"I know." I stated like a little shit.

She slumped back in her seat, pouting. I was not going to tell her where we were going. Will power Alex, will power! No, not the Asian one.

We pulled up to the restaurant, it was about eight o clock at this time. Even if this place wasn't open, they would still let me in since I was a regular customer and they knew me quite well.

As we walked up to the door the bright red sign above the place that read "Salchichas y Pan" illuminated her face.

I opened the door for her and waited for her to walk in. This felt really weird. The "this is really a date but we're going to pretend it's not," kind of weird.

Immediately an old woman whose name was Margarita came up to us and said, "¡Alejandro, Alejandro! ¿Cómo has estado? ¿Cómo están tus padres? ¿Quién es esta mujer hermosa? ¿Tu novia?"

Translation: How have you been? How are your parents? Who is this beautiful woman? Your girlfriend?

I did not want Ellie to know that I spoke Spanish so I just replied to Marg. with "haha okay some other time," and briskly walked to an empty booth while pulling a smiling El with me.

Once we sat down El asked me, "aw! Who was that? Your grandma?"

"No she's just a family friend." I replied back, while pulling out a menu and trying to change the topic.

As the night went on we sat at the restaurant for about three hours or so, who knows? We weren't worried about the time.

"So, mysterious man. Tell me a secret about yourself." El said while sipping on her coke.

"Mysterious man?" I looked at her with an offended look. "I am hurt." I placed a hand on my heart and pretended to look sad.

"Oh cut it out Alex. You and I both know that you're quite secretive."

"True, but so are you!" I shot back accusingly.

"Hmm alright, I'll tell you something about me. I rarely tell anyone this so feel special." She stuck out her tongue at me then continued on. "I hate being mad at people. It's one of my worst qualities. I always forgive too easily and I hate it! But the good thing about it is that if that person truly upset me, they have to really earn my trust back. It's dumb though I bet you won't even remember this a week from now." She stated, sadly.

"Hey," I started. "It's not dumb. It's you. I sort of have the same problem, you know with Delanie and all." I stated sadly.

She reached across the table and placed her hand on mine, "I'm here for you Alex."

I lifted up our hands and did the unthinkable, I licked them.

"Ooh that just made my nips hard." El stated innocently, which made both of us burst into laughter.
*end of flashback*

I knew what I had to do. I don't know if it'll work, but I need to get my best friend back.

HEY YALL! So like three people commented on my story and told me to continue it so I am! I know this chap was quite boring but it's going to get better I promise <3 love you guys!

-Mysterious Intel xx

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