College Life

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"You call me up, it's like a broken record. Say that your heart hurts, that you'll never get over him getting over yo-"

The mixture of my moms voice and alarm clock quickly woke me from my slumber.

"Ellie! Ellie! Wake up before Ashton Irwin leaves." At the sound of that I stumbled out of my bed, muttering obscenities.

"Mom why do you always gotta play?" I said in the most rude voice I could muster.

"Just trying to get you those dolla's, trying to be your money maker, your MVP, your-"

"OKAY MOM THANKS!" I shouted while turning on the shower head and stepping into the hotness.

1 hour later I showed up to the hell hole I call my job.

"iiiiiiii Linda... ¿Que pasa? ¡Bonita, bonita, !bonita!"

"Back off Carlos or I'll get my boyfriend on you." I lied to him.

"Aye, you always talk much about this boy of yours, but why I never see him?" He spoke in his spanish accent.

"He has a job too you know." I continued my lie.

"If I was your man, I'd take you out every-"

"That's not going to happen, have a nice day Car." I said with a grin while lightly jogging to the back of Walmart to clock in. Carlos was a very nice friend, but I just wasn't in the correct mind frame for a boyfriend at the moment. He was cute though.

"Hey Shelb," I greeted my manager.

"What section am I working on today?" I asked.

"Hmmm... How about the woman hygiene section? The cart with the supplies is in room A1."

Wow, fudge my life. Woman hygiene department was the absolute worst. It was filled with looney dads asking how tampons work, if they will ruin their daughters precious virginity, and other crap dads worry about. The worst part was when I caught twelve or thirteen year olds opening makeup and scolding them, they were so rude. I would rather work in the electronic section with Carlos, and that says a lot.

"Someone please help me." I silently pleaded in my head.

After about 1 hour of stocking shelves with maxi pads, a group of guys around my age I'm guessing, came strolling down the isle.

They eyed me with their immature selves.

"May I help you with anything?" I asked one of them with black hair in particular. He was the leader from what I could tell.

Skinny jeans, Miley Cyrus shirt, and ASPCA Vans.


The other 2 were just a blonde boy, and a cute Asian boy, no other way to describe the group but playful.

"Yes, actually." He smirked.

Oh god.

"I need some tampons, my period is really heavy." He smiled.

Haha. If this guy thought he could get away with trying to embarrass me he thought wrong.

"Sure, here let me show you how I do it." I smiled innocently at them. They better prepare themselves for me, because I love messing with immature little boys like them.

I grabbed a box of Super Tampons and ripped it open, not caring if I had to pay for it or not.

Pulling one out, I unwrapped it and held the green applicator in the air.

"First step, pull the string." I said while rough tugging at the string at the bottom of the tampon.

They nodded while giving questioning glances between each other. I bet they thought I was absolutely crazy.

"Okay, so then you simply take two fingers, and then spread your-"

The blonde one interrupted me before I could get into graphics.

"Um I think we get it." He said, with red cheeks.

"Oh well your friend here was inferring he had a vagina and needed help." I said, with another innocent smile.
The Asian one simply burst out laughing at my remark and the blonde one tried to hold in his laughter. The one with the black hair smiled at my audacity. It was one of those pure smiles, not one people show all the time.

"Thanks for that, ummm?" He said, inferring he wanted to know my name.

"Ellie. Have a nice night ladies." I said then strutted down the aisle to the beauty department.


"That girl was crazy." Will said from my side.

"Yea, but she was hot." Asa argued.

"Feisty for sure, I liked it though. She seemed like one of those overly nice girls at first, ya know? The ones who always comply to everything someone says? I wanted to fuck with her. Guess we were the ones who got fucked." I said, while playing with the green tampon in my hand.


She was intriguing that's for sure.

Maybe I'll come here to get some more shit tomorrow. Unnecessary for sure.

While Asa, Will, and I were walking to the cashier I spotted one of my ex's, DeLanie. (AN: Idk if that's how you spell her name and no offense to DeLanie, I bet she's really nice)

"Alex!" She screeched and ran to me.

"Oh god..." Asa and Will sighed at the same time.

DeLanie and I, we aren't exactly normal. We've dated and broken up so many times I forgot count. I have this really bad habit of breaking up with her, then getting depressed about being single, and going back.

God I'm such a douche sometimes. I broke up with her over Twitter, and to be honest I don't even know why she still talks to me.. She knows I fuck girls all the time.

"Be nice guys, I'll be quick" I did a side cough so she wouldn't hear.

They rolled their eyes and waited.

"Hi babe! We were just leaving." I spoke quickly, trying to seem like we were in a hurry.

"Oh. Why do you have tampons....?" She said, jealousy in her eyes.

When we dated I was basically her tampon supplier. I would always buy her them and chocolate and all that girly shit.

"Oh, we were just fucking with a worker here and we are just buying them so she doesn't have to." I answered, replying to her question.

Her eyes brightened a bit, "Oh, great! Well I'm going to go buy some bras, see y'all later!" She said then swayed her hips as she walked off.

Typic DeLanie. Bra's. Ugh.

"Let's get out of here dude, I'm in the mood for hash browns." Will said to me.

My mouth watered at the thought.

Hash browns. Cheese. Ketchup. Let's fucking go.


Ayeeeeee 2nd chapter or 3rd #turnup

But just wanted to address that I don't know DeLanie and everything I say in this story is fictional and I'm wrong about 78% of things. Alex do like him some hash browns doe.

Thanks for reading this crappppppp {:

- mysterious intel

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