Part 11 What Is Y/n Thinking?

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Y/n pov.

"Hey Colby, are you okay?" Since he got up, he has been absent. ", I just had a very strange dream. There's nothing to worry about." He gives me this 'everything is okay' smile even though it wasn't true. Colby waved to the others and was very happy to see them. Sam seemed to have noticed, too, because he asked how Colby was doing, but again, he dismissed that something was bothering him. I put my thoughts aside and went to the reception where our guide was waiting. "Hi, my name is David Mayer, I'm very pleased to meet you in person Sam, Colby, Corey, and Y/n. He shook each of our hands, but when he shook mine, his touch gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I I noticed Colby next to me looking seriously at Mr. Mayer, which let me know that my gut feeling couldn't be completely wrong. I took my hand out of his and immediately felt a little more comfortable. "So, where do we start, Mr. Mayer?" I asked so as not to come across as rude.

"How about we start with the slave sales room?" Mr. Mayer began to walk towards the room and explained that over 1000 slaves had been sold there and that it was one of the most active rooms in the entire hotel. We reached a gold decorated door that personally sent a cold shiver down my spine. I had the feeling that I shouldn't go in there. ~GO~ Fear ran through my whole body at the voice of a woman who obviously didn't want me to go in there. But Mr. Mayer put a hand on my lower back, and I immediately tensed up. I didn't like her touching me. As we walked in, I heard Colby calling behind me. "Hey, Y/n!" I turned around and had never been happier to hear Colby's voice. And I think he noticed. I heard the voices again telling me to get lost, but my thoughts were interrupted by Colby as he pulled me into a tight hug. Colby buried his face in my neck and took a deep breath as if he wanted to calm himself down from something. After a short while, he looked up but didn't take his head off my shoulder. A shiver ran down my spine when I saw Colby's look. The normally sea-blue, kind, and love-filled eyes, into which I could sink again and again, were just so dark and full of hate that I was almost afraid. I noticed Colby's body heat and instinctively hugged him back. "Colby, are you okay?" I asked after a short while. "Yes, everything is fine, I just needed a hug to come down." He whispered the words in my ear, which made me blush slightly. he continued talking. "If he continues to annoy you, I'll lose my patience. Stay close to me. As long as I'm here, he can't touch you again." Hearing those words was all I needed at that moment. I hugged him tighter and whispered a thank you back. After our hug ended, Mr. Mayer continued talking about the slave trade. Mr. Mayer walked around while we were talking and slowly came towards me. At that moment, I heard a voice again ~GO, HE WANTS YOU~ I took Colby's hand, and Sam and Corey stood next to me. I noticed how Colby lovingly stroked the back of my hand with his thumb to calm me down. Which also worked. After Mr. Mayer was done talking, and we went to the next place. The cellar. the place I definitely don't want to go after the voces. After a while, I noticed that Colby was getting very nervous the closer we got to the basement. I looked at him questioningly, and he noticed. He gave me a small smile and looked forward again. A short time later, I heard a female voice say, ~Don't go any further!~ This voice was different than the others... I couldn't stop shaking. Colby whispered in my ear. "Everything okay?" These words brought me back to reality. I looked at Colby, and I felt tears slowly coming to my eyes. I have to tell Colby what's going on. Maybe he can help. "I feel like a lot of women have met their ends here and they're warning me not to go any further because then I'll most likely see something I shouldn't and that will be a big mistake." Colby hugged me, and I heard Sam call for us to hurry up. "Would you like to go back to the room?" "No, I want to know why I feel so connected to this place." And why the women talk to me all the time and warn me. We continued walking, and Mr. Mayer opened the heavy metal door. We went in. The moment I walked in, I felt like I was being overwhelmed by voices and feelings that didn't belong to me, so I took Colby's hand. Only shortly afterward did the beds in the cells open up for me.

Mr. Mayer started talking about this place, but I couldn't listen. The voices were so loud, and I had the feeling that the room started to spin slightly. I held my breath as a few words from Mr. Mayer came to me saying that the screams of the women here were never heard from behind the door. My whole body was shaking, and everything was too much for me. I took a step towards Colby and took his hand to feel safe again. Colby is the only one who can make me feel so safe, and I was grateful that he was here. Sam leans down to me and whispers. "Hey, and do you like being close with Colby? You two have been holding hands or cuddling for a while now." Sam didn't know about my crush on Colby, but at that moment, I had a feeling he did. "I love this closeness, but wouldn't it be better for the fans if you were in my place? They miss you, Solby." Sam and I started giggling, and our voices got a little quieter. "Mr. Mayer, is that all you have to say about this place?" Corey asked as he continued the video. "Yes, normally the slaves were also marked here." At that moment, a woman appeared in my mind's eye, screaming in pain and suffering from a burn. "marked?" Colby asked, and I looked up at Colby. Mr. Mayer went to one of these cells and took out a stick with a symbol on the end. "Every cell belonged to a man, and every man had his own symbol. That's why there are different symbols in every cell. Y/n would you be so kind and come here for a moment?" I stiffened a little and looked up at Colby pleadingly, hoping he wouldn't let me go. "Amm, I'm sorry, Mr. Mayer, but I'm staying here with Colby. I don't really like this basement." Mr. Mayer gave me a look that I couldn't place, but I ignored it. Colby suddenly pulled me towards him. "Okay guys, how about we go back to our rooms and start our investigation there." I looked at Sam and was very grateful that I finally got away from this guy. We left the basement, and I felt much better. When we arrived at the counter at the entrance, Mr. Mayer said goodbye. But not in the normal sense, no, he took my hand and kissed it. I immediately noticed how Colby had that dark look behind me again, and I withdrew my hand in disgust. Colby walked towards Mr. Mayer, ready to punch him, but Sam stopped him. We went to Sam and Corey's room, and Sam turned off the camera. Colby turned me around and pulled me into a long hug. I let out a long sigh after the whole thing just now.


That was part 11 with 1383 words. I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. If so, I'd really appreciate it if you could give the story a vote. You can text me if you want a storyline, smut, fanfiction idea, or anything else. I would be honored to write it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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