|Chapter 10|

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The sun was slowly making its way towards the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the sky as the boys, girls and mothers sat on the spacious wooden deck overlooking the beach. We sipped on fancy cocktails Susannah prepped, nibbled on snacks, and shared stories from their day. The sound of waves crashing on the shore filled the air, as we chatted, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company. The deck was adorned with creamy, white chairs, colourful pillows, and a glass coffee table in the centre. There were glasses of chilled lemonade, fruit bowls, and appetizers neatly laid out on the table. As the sun began to set, the sky transformed into a breathtaking canvas of vibrant crimson colours, painting the horizon in shades of orange, pink, and purple. The clouds were like brushstrokes, creating a picturesque scene that could only be described as a faraway magical land. We fell into a comfortable silence, taking in the peacefulness of the moment and the beauty of the natural surroundings. It was a moment that would stay with each of us forever. Suddenly, a voice interrupted our dinner. Perfect, just how he planned it. Part 1, success. 

 My heart skipped a beat for some reason as he got down on one knee, and said:

" Y/n, you are the most beautiful girl I know, you have a wholesome personality and I love you. Would you gift me the honour to ask you out to the debutante?"

Jeremiah's crystal blue eyes sparkled with a sense of honesty. 'Overwhelmed' with emotion, I  let out a squeal of delight and ran towards Jere, hugging him tightly. I was completely taken aback, as I had no idea that he was planning to ask me to be the debutante in such a romantic way. My eyes widened with surprise and delight, and my face lit up with a huge beam, from ear to ear, which came out more naturally than expected. I was 'overjoyed' and couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. Gee, I should get into acting. It was soo believable and good! No joke, girlie. I felt incredibly lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring boyfriend and knew that prom night was going to be an unforgettable experience. It was a moment I would never forget, and I felt incredibly grateful for the 'love and effort' that he planned to ask me. And what a long, detailed question'.Even though I knew I was going to expect that, the announcement took me in shock. I was extremely taken aback but was also touched by the 'honest' gesture for some reason.

"I have a date already... Just kidding, yes, I'll go with you, Jere."

We embraced with a hug, and for some reason, a sense of tranquillity settled in me. We pulled apart and grinned at each other like kids when we had teamed up on the moms to convince them to do something crazy.

"Ewwww y/n!" Steven screamed, "Keep your lovemaking strictly in the bedroom, not in public, what are you, Cardi B., a slut?" Steven stuck his tongue out. I rolled my eyes, hugging was not under any circumstances acting like Cardi B. 

"Wow. Since when was hugging acting like Cardi B? That explains your hopeless love life." I rolled my eyes, a flicker of annoyance passing by.

"Well congrats Y/n, and Belly, you absolutely have to go with Conrad! Well isn't this exciting, our little girls are all grown up!" Susannah squealed.

"Yeah, I guess.." Laurel looked downcast, and I felt bad. Maybe she wanted us to stay little kids forever, but we never could, not anymore. Not after the summer, we turned pretty. 

Jere interrupted their conversation, "Well I'm going to stay young and handsome forever." Everyone laughed as Jeremiah looked at me with a satisfied smile, which I returned while shaking my head. I bit my lip, glanced at my pretty date, and then looked away. He shook his gorgeous dirty blond hair in the sunlight, and his ocean blue eyes glistened with happiness. He looked at me and offered his hand to me. Together, we strolled away from the dining table deck, walking straight into the crimson sunset. Mission success.

I Hate You, I Love You | Jeremiah Fisher x Reader |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora