CHAPTER ONE; complete darkness

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Mami ran down the alley, desperately trying to re-open the witch's labryth. "Madoka!" Screamed mami as she clawed at the brick wall. Suddenly mami was shoved backwards by a ear-splitting boom. After the smoke cleared, mami saw Madoka and Homura unconscious about 100 feet away, their soal gems almost completely black. Mami was stunned. What witch could almost kill two magical girls in less then 10 minutes? She opened her small pouch and found 2 grief seeds. She ran over and quickly un-polluted the soal gems. Homura and Madoka woke up suddenly with fear burning in their eyes. Madoka was the first to speak. "Wha- what happened?" Homura suddenly stood up and began to pace the alley. "What is it Homura?" Mami asked, knowing that face all too well. "It wasn't a witch. It was a magical girl." Suddenly kyubey appeared on Homura's shoulder. That's right! Another job well done girls! "What do you mean ky-kyubey...?" Madoka said, tears running down her cheeks. " You successfully killed her! Great job!" Mami walked over to kyubey and slapped him across his small, fuzzy face. "WHY WOULD YOU SET THEM UP TO KILL ANOTHER MAGICAL GIRL YOU SICK CREATURE" mami screamed. Suddenly the street lamps Flickered them went out. "Complete darkness" said a small, unknown voice.

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