CHAPTER THREE; sparking to life

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Sayaka stood up and whispered to kyubey. " I will kill every last one of you if you even touch that girl again." Kyubey smiled, for he was used to being threatened. " you can not kill me you foolish girl, for I have millions of replacements." Kyubey suddenly leaped down from the pole and was soon out of sight.
Liz waddled around the room, admiring her new friends. Mami was busy cleaning her shotguns while homura was assembling bombs on the desk. Madoka was playing with Liz, telling her over-exaggerated stories about being a magical girl. " you get to fight scary witches and do magic! How awesome is that?" Liz was astonished, for her life on the street had been boring, dull, and depressing. She was put to bed early, around 8:00. Liz did not argue, for she was just as excited to sleep in mami's huge, soft and cuddly bed. She was asleep in meer minutes.
"What are we going to do!" Sayaka asked after she explained what kyubey had told her. No one had any ideas. Liz walked in, completely terrified. " Wh-what do you mean I'm going to kill y-you...?" Everyone suddenly fell to the ground, pinned by some unknown force. Homura struggled to look over at Liz. Tears were streaming down Liz's face and her eyes were literally sparking with yellow and gold flames. Liz suddenly froze. Then she smiled. "There's another magical girl out there, a brand-new one. And I'm going to kill her."

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