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(Aww! You guys are ADORABLE! -Cordelia *She smirks at Fitz and Sophie, who had just ran into each other*)

(Cor, stop it. You know how fragile their feelings are! -Keefe)

(Keefe Sencen, telling someone to stop making fun of Fitz Vacker? It's a miracle. -Biana *she giggles*)

(no. I didn't specify Fitzy, did I? I just tried to save myself from Foster's overactive emotions! -Keefe *smirks back at Biana*)

(Keefe, you're going to make a girl faint with that smirk someday, and I'm going to laugh. -Cordelia *she grins*)

(Aw! You're still about as sweet as salt Cor! -Keefe *looks deeply moved*)

(Dang right I am Sencen! -Cordelia *Tam mimics gagging*)

(what are you gagging about, Bangs Boy? -Keefe)

(The fact that eventually Cor is going to BE a Sencen. -Tam *he rolls his eyes*)

(EW! Tam, really? You HAD to say that! Now I'm going to go and barf! -Nixie *scrunches her face*)

(I did NOT need that thought in my head! -Dex)

(what is WRONG with you all? It was Just. A. Statement. My goodness, you're big drama queens. -Tam *rolls his eyes and glares at Keefe who is, as per usual, smirking*)

(You're just jealous she'll never be a Song! -Biana *she smirks and giggles*)

(um.... How do I put "that's not what I meant and I'm not jealous" down nicely without getting Sucker Punches in the gut? 'Cause I'm NOT jealous! -Tam)

(Hey! You should be jealous! I mean, not of Keefe, obviously, as he's just my best friend, but still! I'm amazing! -Cordelia)

(if I'm supposed to be jealous, then why am I NOT? -Tam)

(I am the best, Bangs Boy! Sorry, Keefe, but no other name sufficed, so I had to borrow yours. -Cordelia *she glares at Tam)

(eh. It's fine. I can just use his favorite. Tammy *Tam scowls* Besides, either way, it annoys him, so clearly we're doing SOMETHING right! -Keefe)

(Yup. Annoying Tam. The best recreational activity. That's a direct Cordelia Lumis quote, by the way. -Dex *Cordelia looks proud*)

(You guys are the worst, you know that? Could you take five minutes of your life and NOT tease Tam? -Nixie)

(Aww, he loves us, right Tammy? -Keefe)

(Nope. -Tam)

(Hey! I'm offended. Fine, Song didn't sound good with Cordelia anyway. -Cordelia *she smirks*)

(Okay, now let's stop teasing Tam. If you do it anymore, I swear he'll go all shadowflux on you. -Sophie)

(Fine, but only because you asked nicely Foster. -Keefe *he grins*)

(I don't really recall her asking nice, but okay... -Fitz)

(Can't stand someone else grinning like that at your future girlfriend Fitzy? -Cordelia *she grins*)

(you guys are horrible, you know that, right? -Linh)

(Aww, sorry Linh! I'll stop for you! -Cordelia *she smiles sheepishly*)

(I never said I didn't like it, now did I? -Linh *she smiles mischievously at Tam*)

(Your sister is the best, Tam. -Biana *she smiles and Cordelia and Keefe look like they're plotting something*)

(Want to trade siblings? Also, what are you two plotting? And why do I feel like it involves me? -Tam)

(Because it always involves you when it comes to those two. Either you, or how they're crazy in love with each other. -Fitz *he grins and Cordelia and Keefe both shove him*)

(aw! You should've shoved him towards Sophie to see how red she turns! -Nixie)

(What is it with you guys and putting me with Keefe?! Cordelia Sencen doesn't even sound good! -Cordelia)

(I think it does.... -Nixie *she mutters it and then smirks at Cordelia*)

(Don't forget, I know all of the girls' secrets and I will tell Keefe Sencen if need be! -Cordelia)

(Oh no! You wouldn't go THAT low! -Nixie *glares at Cordelia, and it's not teasing*)

(You're right, I wouldn't..... Ugh, if only I could be evil! -Cordelia *she sighs*)

(in a way, you are. -Biana)

(But in a way, she's not. She's just a sweet, kind, caring girl. -Fitz *he can't even say it with a straight face*)

(if you mean sweet, kind, caring in the meanest, most maniacal way possible? Then yes! -Linh)

(Aww, Linh! You're so sweet! Tam, you should be more like her. -Cordelia *she smirks*)

(and flood everywhere I go? No thanks! And um... no offense! -Tam *he glances at Linh who immediately drenches him*)

(Oof. Cor, don't do what I know you want to do! -Dex. *he looks at Cordelia and she pouts*)

(which is what? Because we can all agree that she's unpredictable. -Sophie)

(Actually, Cor has a lot of control..... -Dex *Cordelia shakes her head at him and he nods*)

(unpredictable in a different way. -Sophie)

(Is anyone else wondering when exactly Cordelia Lumis has control? Or is it just me? -Tam)

(she has control over you when she and Keefe are together. -Biana)

(Yeah, and I didn't just freeze you! So that's control! -Cordelia *her teasing tone is almost hiding her expression earlier, but Keefe is still silently staring at her in confusion*)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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