001 - Bookworm ♡ TPN

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Ray x GN!Reader :
Platonic Relationship

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POV: Yours. (Y/N)
"Hey, Emma! Do you know where Ray is? I can't find him anywhere..." I said, walking up to the tree Emma was sitting next to.

It had been about a month since Norman was adopted, and everyone missed him dearly. However, Emma and Ray seemed to take it the worst...

When she looked up at me, I could tell she was tired... She seemed to be getting better as she seemed to be able to talk to the little ones every once in a while, though.

She shook her head at me in response to my question but gave me an apologetic, small smile. I returned it as I nodded to her and started my way back to the house.

Since the two have been isolating themselves from everyone since Norman's departure; Don, Gilda, and I have been in charge. We've been taking care of all the chores and playing or watching the kids when Mumma was busy. However, now that I think about it, I haven't seen Gilda or Don in a while...

'That's odd... I wonder where they are right now...' I thought to myself.

As I walked into the house, Phil came running up to me and grabbed the end of my shirt, jumping up and down in excitement, it seemed.

"Hey, hey! N/n, N/n!! Do you wanna play tag with us? We were gonna go ask Emma if she wanted to since Ray said no.." He frowned slightly but continued smiling and hopping, making me chuckle before replying.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Phil... I wish I could, but I can't right now; I'm looking for Ray. But once I'm finished, I'll join everyone, okay?" He stopped his small hops with a small sad smile but nodded in understanding. I ruffled his hair, returning the smile.

"Can you tell me where Ray is before you go, kiddo?" I asked, and he smiled, nodded his head, and pointed down the hall he came from. He then took my hand and allowed me to follow him to wherever he was taking me. We walked towards the hall of Mumma's rooms, laundry room, storage closets, and the Library- which is where I assumed Ray would be, as he liked to read.

Once we were close enough to the Library, I smiled down at him before nodding towards the way we came- since Mumma was near the entrance of the Library, seemingly checking on Ray. Phil smiled at me, giving me a nod and a hug before running back and towards the front doors to go play.

As I slowly walked toward Mumma and the Library, I stood next to her before she noticed I had come up. Mumma looked at me and sighed before giving me a sad smile and shaking her head, hinting that he either wanted to be left alone or that she didn't want me here at the moment. It made me frown, but I listened to her and walked away, hoping to talk to him later.

Time Skip : That Night
I woke up to a faint commotion from downstairs. My warm sheets called me to stay in bed, but I had to check if it was the little one and tell them to go back to bed. I had always been a very light sleeper, making it easier for the little ones to crawl into me for comfort after a nightmare or if they wanted a companion. Everyone here was like my family, I loved them all dearly even if none of us was blood-related.

As I make my way downstairs in my sleepwear and slippers, I notice Mumma's light on. I dismissed it, though, as I assumed she had just forgotten to turn it off before sleep or was doing something. I walked my way to the dining room, where I heard the noises earlier. As I walked closer to the door, I heard a conversation happening.

"Do you think we can get out of here with everyone? Do you think it'll work out? Does anyone but us know that this is a farm?!"

"Yes, I do. We have everything prepared for when we escape. Everyone above five knows- only the young ones, and babies will stay until we can get them- and they've all been training to leave whenever. But... Y/n is the only one who doesn't know... We haven't told them yet, we feel like it would affect them differently than the rest since they're so close to Mom..."

"What... How- What- When did you do all this? Why didn't you tell them when you told the others? They should know that Mum's the enemy! They could help you escape!"

I was so confused and shocked by the information I had heard that I didn't even get a chance to stop myself from falling through the cracked doors, my face almost face-planting into the wood. I fell to my knees, making them scrape against the floor.

They both gasped, finally noticing me in the room and on the floor. They had fear and worry in their eyes, while I had a shocked face and my eyes were tearing up from the scrapes on my knees and hands. They stung like I had just fallen from one of the trees in the yard.

'Is it true? Mumma? She's-She's selling us...? What's happening...'

I looked at them confused. I didn't know what to do after hearing that... What was happening?

"What're you doing down here, Y/n?" I heard Emma ask me nervously while slowly walking up to me. She smiled at me sadly and held her hand out to me when she was in front of me.

I looked at her before taking her hands slowly and standing up. When I was fully up, I pulled away and looked around the room to avoid eye contact with them.

There were cans around the room, seemingly with gas or some kind of flammable liquid inside, and Emma's crutches against some chairs that she was once standing next to. The moonlight flowed through the windows to cast shadows along the floors of our bodies. The lanterns were on the tables beside where Ray stood once with Emma and were turned off. The breeze of the cool atmosphere sent chills down our spine as well, but it seemed almost melancholy but optimistic.

"What's going on...?" I ask cautiously and hesitantly. The both of them looked at me with a frown before Emma looked down.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I thought you would get upset if you knew... I thought it was better to keep it hidden from you..." She said, with guilt and pity in her voice. I didn't quite understand or like it.

If it was so important that they had to meet and do everything on their own without me, why couldn't they just ask me for help? They're supposed to be family, and family helps each other....


"This place is a farm, and there are monsters outside that Mum is selling us to. Emma wants all of you to escape, I want all of you to escape." Ray finally said, seriousness but sorrow in his voice.

"And we can leave whenever everything is ready." Emma said, trying to explain more. But I still don't understand.

"I don't understand... What are you guys talking about? They were all adopted, weren't they...? There are no monsters out there. We're okay here... right? What's happening? Tell me what's going on!" I struggled not to stutter in confusion and worry. This is seriously scaring me right now... They seemed so uneasy and stressed, but genuine...

That's what scared me. Their faces were converted into a worried, stressful look, almost as if they were uncomfortable or overwhelmed with something. This didn't seem like a joke. I looked at each of them for a moment.

I was upset I was never told, out of everyone in the house, apparently everyone knew what was happening except me. "Why did you guys lie to me?" I ask with venom in my voice.

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Part 1: Complete !

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