violence is bad >:( (I'm planing to change it-)

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when you think about violence you think of gun fights, knife fights shootings, and all of that but what about school shootings? In regards to violence, people often tend to focus on the immediate consequences, like in the case of a school shooting. They wonder about the well-being of the children involved. However, it is equally important to consider the aftermath. When children go through a school shooting, there can be different outcomes. For example, even if the children survive physically, they may still suffer from the emotional trauma of realizing that their lives were almost taken away by an 18-year-old who was able to buy a gun due to lax gun laws. This situation raises concerns about the safety of schools, which are supposed to be secure environments for children. Despite some restrictions on carrying firearms at schools, these measures are not enough to prevent such shootings. I am thankful that I've never experienced a school shooting myself. However, I heard about one that took place in a school just an hour away from mine. It was truly devastating, with 21 people, including 19 children, losing their lives. The perpetrator had just turned 18 and had acquired a gun, which he then used to carry out the shooting at an elementary school. This tragedy underscores the seriousness of the issue. It's important to note that various forms of violence can affect one's life, even if they don't involve physical harm. Being emotionally wounded by someone you care about, when they criticize your efforts or appearance, is an example. Unfortunately, these experiences are quite common, regardless of what we do. Harm can take different shapes, including self-harm, harm towards others, and mental harm. Can we prevent all forms of harm entirely? Many of these harmful behaviors stem from issues within the brain, often as a result of difficult life experiences like abuse, mental abuse, or substance abuse. These challenges can arise during childhood or adolescence before the brain has fully developed. Such adverse circumstances can significantly shape one's outlook on life. While some individuals may choose to rebuild their lives and work towards a better future, others may resort to violence and substance abuse. It's crucial to acknowledge that individuals from seemingly good backgrounds can take various paths in causing harm to others. These negative choices can continue to impact their lives until they reach an age where they have the chance to change. However, some individuals don't seize that opportunity for change and continue down a worse path, such as experimenting with drugs. One way to combat this is by seeking help, whether it be going to rehab for substance abuse or talking to someone about the problem. There is no wrong answer when it comes to seeking help from others; it is okay to reach out. Speaking with a professional can assist individuals and prevent the perpetuation of an abusive cycle that can span multiple generations, affecting everyone around them. Some individuals have managed to overcome the troubles of their past, demonstrating that it is never too late to seek help. And if you are dealing with these problems in your life find someone to talk to even if it is a friend or a teacher or anyone you know who can help you during these times you and other people do not deserve to be in the problem you or other have and if you can go seek help a soon as you can.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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