II. Carpenters

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The Carpenters had a name for themselves in this town

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The Carpenters had a name for themselves in this town. Olive had heard the rumors of Samantha Carpenter and her famous run away attempt that had succeeded. Tara was one of Wes' closest friends. She was nice and always left her little candies whenever she was over when Wes babysat.

Her father picked her up so that Wes and his mother could deal with what happened. Her father was concerned about Wes, and even more concerned about her. "Did Wes say anything about how Tara got hurt?"

Billy did, Olive almost said. She tucked her knees to her chest, playing with the string of her hoodie. Her hair brushed against her nose. It caused her to sneeze. "He didn't say anything like that, daddy. Only that she got attacked." she looked up at him, pouting a bit. "Is she okay?"

Her father let out a sigh. "She's going to make a recovery. Just need to be safe and stuff. It was probably just a break in though, baby."

Billy cackled in the backseat. Another killer, he repeated. You better fucking watch yourself.

Olive shuttered, looking out the window as they passed the hospital. Inside, lay the next Ghostface's very first victim. And Olive had a feeling she was going to never hear the end of it from Billy. She could've done something, but she was nothing but the daughter of a washed up hero. There was always that thought in the back of her mind, begging her to tell her parents about Billy. His words could save Tara's life.

Or they could disregard her completely.

"Do you have suspects?" Olive asked. She looked at her father with wide eyes. Olive sniffled, anxiously braiding her hair as they sat in silence. "Does Miss Hicks know anyone who might have attacked her?"

Her father gave her a confused look. Billy laughed in her ear. "Why? You know I won't let anything happen to you, baby." He ruffled her hair. His hand was warm to the touch. "I promise, Olive. It wasn't a killer, or whatever you're thinking. Probably some drunk kid messing around with her."

Olive smiled at her father. "Okay," she hummed. She kicked her feet back and forth in the front seat. Her head hurt as she thought of the return of a Ghostface killer in Woodsboro. "Just don't get hurt, and don't do anything Mommy wouldn't like." Her father's face contorted into one of sadness as she mentioned her mother. Olive wished her parents would talk again.

"I wouldn't dream of it, kiddo."

There was always that lingering fear in her mind, that her father would live while she died. Or vice versa. The last Ghostface was in 2015, in some small town in Colorado. Though Billy claims that it wasn't much of a Ghostface, and more of a cheap copycat for MTV. He says that she should just know the last real Ghostfaces were Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker, not the cheap wannabes from Lakeswood.

  "Can we have Kids Cuisine and watch Pitch Perfect when we get home?" Dewey looked at her, then the road with a gentle expression. "I promise to let you stir the sprinkles in." She pouted, nudging him with her head. "Please. Pretty please with a mega cherry on top."

You're such a kid, Billy mused. My favorite at that.

"Of course we can." Her father pulled into the lot with the quickness of the little bunnies in Billy's stories. "But I'm going to have to eat all your pudding."

That night Billy told her how they killed Casey Becker

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That night Billy told her how they killed Casey Becker. He dramatically enacted how they gutted her and hung her with her insides. It made her gag a little bit. She never liked all the huts and blood things. It made her want to crawl into her closet and stay there. Olive felt her Kids Cuisine rise in her throat when Billy explained how Stu enjoyed gutting his ex-girlfriend.

       Like a pig, Billy mused.

Olive had seen the pictures on her phone. Someone had sent it to her, and asked if that was her mother reporting the incident. She had seen how Casey's boyfriend, Steve, was hallowed out. She wanted to cry everytime someone mentioned the second Ghostface victim.

"Billy," the girl whispered, covering her ears. "I don't wanna know." Her voice caught in her throat as she whimpered. She used to have bad dreams about being gutted like Casey, or burned alive like Manny. "Please, I don't wanna know."

Billy only rolled around on her bed, playing with her braids. You gotta learn, sweetie. She shook her head, wide eyes with tears meeting his brown ones filled with amusement. There's a big bad killer on the loose, and you're gonna be the solo survivor.

She wanted to ask about her father, or even her mother. Or her Aunt Sidney who lived hours away. Olive wanted to know her family was going to be okay. Olive whined as Billy finally stopped telling her tales of his misdoings. He began to shush her, telling her he was sorry. Billy always apologized. He always told her he was sorry and she forgave him. That was their routine.

I'm sorry, Olive. Olive forgave him after he told her how he almost killed her mother.

I'm sorry, Olive. Olive forgave him after he told her she was going to die if she didn't kill the birdie on the street. It was always sorry, sorry, sorry!

She turned on her side, feeling sicker than she did before. Billy touched her forehead, lulling her to sleep. She closed her eyes as Billy whispered a story about a princess trapped in her tower. Olive cried that night. She cried as she knew what was going to happen soon.

Someone was going to die, but she wasn't so sure it wasn't going to be her.

    Someone was going to die, but she wasn't so sure it wasn't going to be her

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teehee heee :3 anyway hi everyone and idk how I should write this bcuz like. Billy's my fav character sometimes. He's so fucking off putting and strange and fucking weird and I wanna use that to my advantage in this. did I write this a week or two ago? sí, I did.

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