Scars and sorrows

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Your on the ship with adora,bow,glimmer and entrapta heading to hord primes ship as you nervously grab your hand
The last time you saw catra she said she wish we never met

Adora sees me being nervous and gently grabs my hand and says "it's gonna be ok" you look at her and smile softly

You land in hord primes ship your go with adora to talk to hord prime well the others hide in the ship

You see hord pime being plugged into his chair which creeps you out as adora grabs your hand

Adora tries to make a deal with hord prime well you stand there nervously

Then you hear catra "adora y/n?" Catra says you turn around sort of happy to see her but still a little mad at her

Catra walks over and stand there with two of the clones and then takes her hood off with green eyes "hello adora and y/n" she says

Adora yells "What did you do to her!" To hord prime and I fight every urge to attack him

"I took her to the light" hoe prime says as the clones hold me and adora

Hoe prime leaves catra with me and adora then catra starts running towards us I grab my sword with the cover not wanting to hurt catra

She tries to claw adora but adora graves her hands before she could hurt her adora then try's to get through to catra but catra then kicks adora and scratches adora's thigh that's when I hit catra neck with my sword

She then backs away and graves her neck then runs towards me I get scared and try to hit her with my sword again but she dodges it and scratches my eye I back way a from her and drop my sword then I grab my bleeding eye

Adora grabs my sword and fights catra with it at one point adora throws her to the stairs and I get scared she might hurt her neck but she stands up then scratches adora's back

She jumps and tries to hit adora but adora grabs her hand but then she breaks her arm and me and adora get chills

Catra scratches adora then runs to me she try's to scratch me but I grave her hand with my clean and bloody hand

I slam her into a screen her eyes turn back into yellow and blue and then the screen starts to explode and I grab her and run to adora I then cover catra with my body

I pick catra up "we're gonna take you home" adora says and her eyes turn back to normal " promise?" Catra says "we promise" adora and I say reaching are hand to catra

Catra then reaches her hand out grabbing her stomach with her other hand but then she retracts her hand and grabs her head her eyes turn green "disappointing some creatures are only for destruction"says hord prime  then catra's eyes turn back to normal then she gets shocked by the chip then falls off

Me and adora screams "CATRA!" Me and adora run over to the edge I grave adora's arm then jump off

We black out when we hit the ground and I get up and see adora on my side my legs and my arm that's under adora hurt
One of my ribs broke on the fall

Adora wakes up then adora crawls over to catra well you scoot next to catra  (y/n legs didn't break but you didn't want to walk) adora holds catra and I hold her hand "why did you two come back for me I told you to stay away you both know I don't matter" catra says "you matter to us" I say to catra as she tightens the grip on my hand

Adora bring catra closer to her while I put her hand near my face

We hear the clones came closer to us "I'm sorry for the needless wast adora and y/n are you ready to cooperate" one of the clones say

Adora starts glowing and I realize that my sword is right next to me I grave it and take the cover off turn the fire on

Adora turns to she ra and attacks the clones she hand me catra and hit as many clones as I can and follow adora

We get to the ship and glimmer and bow are waiting for us I put my sword back to its cover and lay catra on the ship on my lap

Adora comes in and I hand catra to her then adora heals catra I start to cry happy tears

Catra coughs "hey adora y/n"catra says and smile softly

I hope you like it so far I try to write as much as I can I might try to make
The next chapter's shorter thank you

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