Shot in the dark

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After perfuma told us we couldn't go back to Etheria catra suggested we should go to kritest we were getting ready
As I put my helmet on a notice catra with her helmet
She looked so cute I stare at her in awe she looks back "what why are are you staring at me" catra says my face becomes red
"Nothing I was just thinking" I say smiling awkwardly
We get Kritest and catra is behind every one I see her tail puff up "hey it going to be ok" I say putting a hand on her shoulder
"Thanks I just have a weird feeling about this place"catra says "me to" is say

As we walk entrapta stops and makes wrong hordack sit "good new the atmosphere is safe" she says everyone but catra takes their helmet off bow smiling and calling catra cute then glimmer saying it's catra First mission

"Catra first mission catra first mission" they chant catra groans "Y/N SAVE ME" catra says getting away from glimmer and bow "ugh I'm going to kill you friends" catra says "please don't" adora says


We walk to a wall everyone stops my body feels weird like a tingly sensation I don't pay attention until I see catra cut through the wall and I watching in awe well blushing 'she's awesome' I think


We keep walking bow and glimmer we're talking

As we walk bow can't stop fan boying over catra they start play fighting I lean my hand on the wall and it starts getting sucked in I yelp "HELP CATRA ADORA!" I yell catra and adora realize and run to help me and try to pull me out

Spikes come out as we run and go through a door "WHAT JUST HAPPENED WHY DID THAT WALL TRY TO" I start hyperventilating adora comes over to me

"Hey it's ok look at me your ok I'm not going to let anything happen to you"catra say "i'll protect you"
You start to lower your breath

You guys keep walking entrapta is saying something about the planet but you can't shake off this tingling feeling away it feels like when glimmer teleports but on your head? For some reason

At one point everyone stops and you look and see it's where we came from "isn't this where we started!?" Adora says
"Go to the door ahead of you" entrapta says "what door?" You ask then a door appears "we're not going through that are we"


"Entrapta says this is the way so it'll have to do" adora says as she glimmer bow start walking to the door "how have you guys stayed alive this long?!" Catra questions "hey we can just wait here ok" I tell catra "ok thanks" catra tells me

"This is not because I like you" I tease her "shut up" catra pouts "AHHHHHH" we hear the best friend squad scream we start running and we get to the others we see a weird figure I tackle it to the ground and it teleports me


"Y/N" catra yell in the AirPods "IM DOWNSTAIRS PLEASE HELP!" you yell worried to what will happen to you the thing that teleported you was invisible you couldn't see it until it came in you face "nice k..kitty" you say scared for your life

The lion growls in your face again this time you sneeze on accident and the lion also sneezes calming down near you you start to slowly move your hand closer to its face it hesitates but lets you pet him then this little ball of magic starts floating


And lands on you without warning it connects to your head it feel weird your not sure what to do as it just sits on your head the lion just watches then it makes a bright light and something feels off

An then you realize your ears feel weird they can move!? Then you feel their soft and you feel a tail!? In you pants you question what's happening because people don't grow tails and ears out of no where?

Then the lion comes up to you and rubbing its head against you comfortingly as it purrs you start to pet the lion and you calm down then you see a makeshift portal as bow falls out then glimmer adora and catra the portal closes

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Then the lion comes up to you and rubbing its head against you comfortingly as it purrs you start to pet the lion and you calm down then you see a makeshift portal as bow falls out then glimmer adora and catra the portal closes

Catra and adora were the first to get up then they saw you and realize the thing was on your lap purring as you pet it catra was a little jealous but shook it off when she saw you had ears!?


"WHAT HAPPENED!?" catra says clearly confused running to you "I DONT KNOW I GOT DOWN HERE AND ALL OF A SUDDEN I HAVE CAT EARS AND TAIL!?" when you yelled that out of frustration the lion that was on my lap stood up and got defense

As the lion growled and hiss you backed away out of fear catra starts hissing back "GET AWAY FROM THEM" catra yells "no wait" I say going in front of the lion "I think this thing response to emotions so can you not" you say catra looks at you firmly "fine!"


I walk closer to the lion as it growls at me you sit down and reach my hand the lion stops growling and rubs against your hand you can hear bow saying that your ears are cute "bow please kindly shut the fuck up" you say gritting you teeth the lion stops

And it starts talking "ah uh guys can you hear it talking please say you can hear it talking?" You say every one but catra shakes their head no "yeah I can hear it" catra says slowly stepping closer


"Its name is melog? You say "he says he's been here for along time he thought we were enemies like the ones that came to take its magic?" Catra says questionable "the first that's what they were doing they were mining this place like etheria!" Adora says

I start to chip in "but they took to much and the one who destroyers came" as the lion turns into prime catra gasps and I grab her hand  for comfort


"Melog drove him off but couldn't defeat him ... and now he's the last of his kind" I say "I'm sorry bud what if you come to are planet it has magic" I tell melog meows saying yes

[time skip brought to you by my lazy bisexual brain ✨]

We're on the ship heading to etheria your on the bed well every one is in the main room (also you stole one of catra pants because your tail was uncomfortable) but you also keep asking 'why do u have cat ears and a tail you under stand it was from that magical light but what was it?'

You suddenly hear the door open "hey y/n~"


✨cliffhanger cuz I'm to tired to keep writing its 3am and this is 1161 words so I hope you enjoy I will make the next chapter as soon as I can by lovely's✨

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