Part 24 - Movie

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Its Sunday and Ganyu and Keqing were walking down the streets. They found Ningguang, Beidou, Hu Tao and Yanfei. They ran to them.

Beidou:Hey! We were looking for you.
Yanfei:We planned to watch a movie.
Ganyu:Really? Like..?
Hu:The blonde traveler.
Keqing:Ooh I know that movie but I never watched it.
Ningguang: This is the 4th time I will watch it 😎
Ganyu:Me and Keqing were gonna go to Taylor Swift's concert
Keqing:But that's better (no Taylor Swift is better)
Hu Tao:Let's goooooooooooooooo

They arrive at the movie theater. They bought donuts, popcorn, lollipops and apple juice. They took their seats and kept their eyes on the TV.

Keqing:I can't wait to see this movie!
Keqing:*shivering* It's kinda cold.
Yanfei:I'm so excited
Beidou:Guang, you better not shout like you always do when you watch this movie at our house.

Before continuing, again, we added more relationships.

Yanfei and Yelan:Love/friendship relationship
Yelan and Shenhe:Used to date but Yelan has a crush on Yanfei
Yanfei and Hu Tao:Dating
Ningguang and Beidou:Dating for years
Xiangling and Hu Tao:Enemies

OK let's go on

Ganyu:The movie is starting! *eats popcorn*
Keqing:*wears jacket*
Ningguang:*licks lollipop*
Beidou:damn (10x)
*movie starts*
Ganyu:omg it started
Yanfei:*jaw drops*
Hu Tao:*chokes on apple juice* this movie is so good that I choked
Yanfei:Look! Its Xiangling, Yelan and Shenhe behind us! They came too!
Hu Tao:*middle finger at Xiangling*
Xiangling:*middle finger at Hu Tao back*
Yelan:Shenhe can I sit next to Yanfei rq
Yelan:Hello Fei
Yanfei:Hello Lan,
Hu:*too focused on the TV*
Ningguang:Let's all agree that Yelan and Yanfei are future girlfriends
Yanfei:ahem I'm dating Hu
Ningguang:SINCE- I mean, since when?
Keqing:You almost shouted
Hu Tao:yesterday

After the movie they go home (sorry for a short part)

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