Save The Snakes Part 1

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Seonghwa's View August 20, 2042

"Oooooh" Hongjoong looked at me confused I showed him the book "So that's what they meant when they said the number one needle in your life has your book" I laughed "It did help me a lot, especially after what just happened yesterday with my kingdom" Hongjoong hands it back to me "You may be the god of mischief and magic but you're my wife helping you in any way is what I should do so you keep it permanently it's better to have booked have a home than to just see be a dust collector" "Did I just find my new favorite dad wise quotes" "Dude same" "We are brothers for sure" Jowoon hugged CHinghae tightly "But you're the coolest big brother for me" "Awww" "Jongho's having flashback to when Mingi made him that ssam even though Mingi thought it was Jongho that hit him during the name" "Dude that was before debut" "Okay and?" "San 24 years ago" "Okay and?" Hongjoong and I were laughing 


Joongie: I can see a person and that person is Lucifer

"Really?" I looked around and then smiled he walked towards me, and people looked on. "You're worried about me aren't you?" "Yeah" "I set off the alarm" "Yep Dr.Jyris wants me to make sure that today is a less stressful day for you" 

CHinghae: I'm with Jowoon

Yeo: I'm the third wheel to woosan oh second thought I see Garrent bye bye guys

Yunho: I can see Woo and Sanie and now I'm placing my phone down to catch Roan

Joongie: So that makes eight then cool you guys let Seonghwa and I know if you're not coming to the dorms

Everyone was screaming and so many of them ran out of the restaurant. "I don't sense anything" "Lucie look behind you and then look down" I did and there was a blue snake with red spots like a leopard it looked at me and started to move. "Hi there" I held out my arm and it collied it I laughed. "New snake profile found" I looked at my arm and laughed "So you're a magical snake but it says there are two more" It placed its head down, and I smiled. "Don't worry we'll find them once Hongjoong and I leave here" The snake looks at Hongjoong and Hongjoong waves at the snake. "She's missing her kids which means they're out and about in Seoul or who knows where," I say 

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