Changes and Revelations

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Sun woke up alone, blinking awake as if from a dream. His room empty and silent, no sounds of meows or anything.

Just simply alone.

It made him think everything truly was a dream, the warm glow and events of the day before no longer there. He felt cold, colder than usual as he gets up to start heading downstairs.

Perhaps he didn't see Eclipse, maybe he did.

Something inside tells him it was real.

He felt different yet the same, looked the same, the daycare slowly booming with children and growing loud noises of silly little children giggles. Nothing happened yesterday, but something did; didn't it. He won't deny it, maybe he could.

Everything just felt so cold.

"You ok Sun?" Earth voice ever so calming as he organized and calculates the next stock they needed. Smiling tiredly at Earth as he nods.

"Yeah, just another long day" Earth nods as they both write down notes and placing orders of new papers and colored sets. Perhaps new blankets and sippy cups for the toddlers, plush toys for nap time.

Sun hesitating as he clicks on a sun themed baby bottle, tabbing out just as fast to continue work.

They didn't need such things, the nursery long since closed years ago and certain age groups only allowed to enter his and Earths areas.

"Do you think they'll ever open it" A simple question as Sun glances at Earth. "It would be so wonderful to hold and care for a little one" He smiles at her, her eyes sparkling at the idea of holding and caring for a baby for a day.

"I dunno, could ask fazbear. But we are quite busy as is, and new staff would take a bit to train" Which was true, they each had their own roles in the daycare. Him and Moon caring for the main kids, play time and nap time. Even if Moon wasn't used to it and uncomfortable a tad, he still tried.

He's not like Lunar was, but he did his best. Earth tackling her new area as well. A more silent and stress free zone for children, teaching them words and phrases and even simple sign language to some. She was simply wonderful at it, and they where lucky to have her around.

"I suppose, perhaps one day though" She smiles sadly before continuing with her tasks, Sun patting her shoulder gently as the two casually work and enjoy their company together.

Frowning ever so slightly as a cold shiver flows through his system. He should have Moon or someone scan his internal heating one day.

Staring at the balcony from afar he shakes his head and continues with his computer. He could ask another day.

Two week slowly pass by, of running around catching kids. Organizing the back storage area of supplies and creating a log, as he provides the new employees with updated stock checklist.

Keeping himself busy with cleaning, playing games with Moon, and doing what they called 'sibling bonding' times with the three of them. It was nice, being able to spend time and watch a movie or plan out ideas for work. Sometimes talking to Moon about his science endeavors as the two AI's scoffed while telling the story of Moons current attempts.

It was a wonderful distraction from the ever growing paranoia seeping inside him. Things too calm and quiet for him handle. Feeling as though something bad could happen at every moment growing ever so slowly.

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